Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

not a big fan of english
take something else
have to write essays anyways
god has abandoned us

I will proceed to get an AI to write every post now

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She cares more about the cash in hand then the children she teachers. dont let it affect you. if you are dreaming about being a music teacher then you already are better then music then most people

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don’t have to write essays in math :stuck_out_tongue:

australian teachers get paid?

yiuyre 15??

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we get paid in holidays

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here in america teachers get like zero per year

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which is extremely disproportionate to the value they’re (supposed) to create

it was just something I considered. I find that interesting but I’m probably more suited as a math teacher. I love writing down random numbers and solving them weirdly that shits great. However right now I am exploring other options. Mainly having a career in working in a supermarket chain. Looking for the good life

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teachers need to pay the government to work at this point

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i mean given the fact they usually have to have a master’s degree

i literally had a teacher in middle school who was getting paid minimum wage :joy_cat:


my sister is going to be a theatre education teacher
may god have mercy on her financial status

i am???

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yes gl


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the fact they made me take drama classes was fucked up

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you can do both! math as a primrary subject, Music as a secondary

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