Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

I only knew this started cause story told me lol

i only knew this started because i woke up to DMs from Brad lol


It was than that she realized… she actually was last

I think

Ah the classic pre teen your wrong cause I say so defense

Can’t argue with that lock town never rescind

Its wolfy cause its LAMIST. I don’t really think that you’re other heads opening was real

No turn it off and on again

What? I would never!

No I got here like 5 minutes before you did

Hot. Can i sheep you?

This would be the single greatest lol funni of my life please do

Let’s be real you know which one is be without me signing.

Hot. I offends me to.

My hatred comes from me dying wrongfully because of meta about 200 times

Always of course not but i think most mafia players are capable of recognizing and impersonating their own play style or just being themselves regardless of alignment

And the fact Luka was ready to drop reciepts proving they’ve done this as town is a bit strange to me on a personal level but that is juxtaposed (is that a real word? It is now ig) with the fact that outside that part of Lukas iso I kinda town read them

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Wait fuck you made me actually play the game



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I thought you would be aware of how i catch up in mafia games by now ;-;


This person gets it

Unfortunate. I’ll have a look then

That is my brain can not handle what i just read


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