Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

I wont deny ur results sometimss, but its painfully hsrd to remove u from incorrect tunnels


So to each their own

Has psy or chad done anything townie? That hydra seems non existent

I’ve seen someone win a game once by outing a Partner so…

Like actually they named 3 players we killed the first one out was a wolf so we chain killed the other 2 they were both town than in FX the real wolf won.

Without that play they lost honestly

Yeah i know my style is abrasive and leads to me dying a lot

But it works for me and works well

The thing with “there are no bad or incorrect plays” is objectively untrue. In mafia, you have a goal to lynch wolves (as town) or to survive to the end by eliminating town (as wolf), and plays that don’t get you there are incorrect. End of. To argue otherwise is to argue that there are no objective standards for determining which faction wins a game, which is so blatantly wrong

To put it another way, if there were no bad plays, then I wouldn’t be able to say I’ve improved as a player since the time I nearly threw the game by openly claiming Beloved Princess. That’s blatantly wrong lol

But again, this argument is distracting us from scumhunting

There is no wrong way to play mafia anyone who thinks there is has skill issue and can’t play around different styles which means they aren’t really that good

One of my favorite people to play with is considered a bad player

But I’ve watched her solve games and one never read her wrong

Can’t be that bad if she’s able to get results and I’m capable of finding her as town and protecting her

But her style is “wolfy and bad”

Arguing that “there is no wrong way to play mafia” and that people have a “skill issue” are contradictory positions lol

I think this is a waste of a convo unless u think you are getting something alignment indicative out of this @OriceliSoworio
Neon can do w/e they want honestly

Have any actual thoughts on the game?

No not reallly, but form this response its very clear u didnt like my statement, do u think you have a better idea of that hydra’s alignment now? I didnt realize the game started tilll i had to leave for work this morning and im still at work. From whay ive skimmed on my breaks i havent been able to find anything thay makes me want to vote them, so im just gunna continue to see if i can find town and work in reverse

Im also not particularly good in small games because 2 wolves vs 3 wolves is a very drastically different game in how i approach gamestate reads and such and such

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This is my favorite sentence

Not really

I miss story

Story come back

I miss the voices in my head!

I think they’re probably town, Abby is just not a player who I gel well with. Hopefully they don’t do anything stupid like fakeclaiming Seer (which should be discouraged by the open setup, but whatever).

What I’m more concerned by is how you love to comment on things that aren’t alignment related but seemingly have little actual thoughts on people’s alignments. Why is that?

If you think “there is no wrong way to play mafia”, then these people don’t have a “skill issue”, they’re just playing mafia with their own perfectly valid playstyle

It just goes to show that “all playstyles are equally valid” isn’t a position that anyone actually holds when it comes down to it. It’s just a meaningless platitude that people say to themselves to make them feel better

That is fair, i have had problems with them before, but i try to take every game as a new experience and not dwell too.mucu on the things ive disliked in the past

I dont think they or story have approach this game so far that makes me feel like they have an agenda,