Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

My partner didn’t realize I was showing up and here I am!

  • Brad


we can chop ML and see what happens tomorrow

or stress about it now. i aint stressing over nothing


Cool, got any reads?

Oh yeah I didn’t like this post
Luka like gave an example of a town game and MeLootz accused the of cherry picking that’s strange LOL

I didn’t like this post
Because nobody said that shit

And they keep pushing it but you (Ori) didn’t say that
And even if you had they made it seem like it was everyone but it was one guy out of eighteen other players

This was a good defense but it doesn’t make me feel any townie about them

And these are the only posts that I have any feelings about LOL

They debunked that helldualies post I guess but May doesn’t make sense a lot

Like Gar kinda ate (as in the twitter slang verb not the forum mafia acronym) here but a townie being wrong does not make you right y’know?



So we can do something that might well be a mislynch, or we can actually try at the game. You can see which one I’ll be doing

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Nope I’ve read fuck all of the game I just got here.

If i tell u why someone is a wolf its not gunna be some crazy case, but once i get out of work, ill do some due diligent, since this will be the first time im free since i found out this game had started


Has anyone actually defended ML? The closest I’ve seen is “I don’t wolfread them, but I’m okay with them going down”

Me and the only two people I’m not townreading?


This was Brad

Distancing? What’s that?

6 feet away from a man that has COVID!

This was ALSO Brad!

I made one wall then lost motivation

Why does Icy Danger have 3 votes across 3 different people?

  • Brad

I dunno

VOTE: MeLootz


The vote system is fucked up

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Icet did something silly

How do you get the “votecount” here again?

Hammer on any post
