Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

LUTI presents… The Hell Dualies: You ever had a good miso soup?

How do you accidentally drink soup

Wait eat… i am confusing myself

I didn’t accidentally drink soup. I accidentally ate soap

I think this is hurting me more then its helping

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Delicious. Can we continue with the wolfhunting?



  1. Whats does Aggressively null in a towny way mean May.
  2. Scumsaywhat
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You are posting a lot and you are arguing a lot, in a way that’s very on-the-ground and engaged with the game at a base level, and I don’t get a lot of particularly strong “oh this is a towny thing to say, this is a thing that town specifically would seek to say” pings from your posts. Obviously that means on a, like, super level 0 level, you’re null.

But I think being willing to be null and fight with people and piss them off a bit and not trying too hard to project town is a place where I like a player to be, and so I think it’s… like, fairly towny of you to act as you have. Not super towny - it’s possible it’s just a playstyle thing, I don’t know your meta - but enough for me to look elsewhere for the moment.

HAI has a lot of long quoteposts that I’ve read but not processed. I need to go back and specifically seek to read htem to get something there. Which is why I said I should have a read on Quava but don’t.

Wonderland, glancing through their posts, seem faiiiirly confident and productive and I’m willing to place a townlean on them, though not as strong as the ohters I’ve expressed so far.

Werefuck I have a silly L0 townread on for tihs post

They’re like ~towny but I have to think about them more to feel even remotely confident on that and it’s 11PM and there’s a Splatfest I haven’t even touched because I was at Hell Dualies practice & then with my parents. HellDualies too busy wiht the Hell Dualies to Hell the Dualies

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Another question: Is it possible to be aggressively null in a wolfy way?

I don’t see what’s confusing. There was soap, and I accidentally ate it.

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Wait soap?

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I read soup… i think my senile brain is finally catching up to me

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Yes, very much so. In midgames I often pay much more attention to my instinctive nullreads than my instinctive scumreads, because scum are actively trying not to look scummy, y’know? There’s a distinction between “towny null” and “wolfy null” that I’d have to think more about to articulate… towny null is not trying whatsoever to look towny (and therefore reading null), wolfy null is trying and somewhat failing to look towny (and therefore, again, reading null)

Poor wittle Hazzy

:mega: :mega: :mega: :mega: :mega: :mega: :mega: :mega: I’M NOT GONNA REPEAT THIS AGAIN!!

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My top scumreads are still Gargar and to a lesser extent 22, but there’s been significant content since I last rethought those and they really could use a bit of a refresh. However I gotta play the Splatfest

I read through most of what I missed and I think I kind of tapped out when thread discussion came to this slot and then never really tapped back in, yeah go hunt wolves.

Oh huh. I don’t remember a gargar but I should see what this 22 scumlean is about.

Gargar is melootz

One of the players in that hydra is someone called gar

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Sorry for my naming conventions I forget what everyone is called

I am meant to be signing off messages but to be honest i am lazy to find the emote every time