Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Shark I tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas

you are on your own here now :man_shrugging:

With that being said, jar switching there is interesting

I would read into it if I had the brain power but I don’t

My read on them is a mixture of a couple things. I talked about this is in a different post, but I don’t believe they should be as confident as they are on AtNoName, which gives me bad feelings regarding their slot. If you were to ask me how I would handle a mafia member getting some pressure, I would do in it a similar fashion to how they are acting right now- town read them slightly and then try to shift wagons to someone else by focusing people’s attention somewhere else. Their slot being scum also aligns with how I view the game state currently, I town read most of the people being active in the game, and their slot being scum would reinforce my belief there.

I wouldn’t put it beyond v him

I’m promoting you to my brain - not because of what you just said, I just think it would be entertaining

explain what my read would be on their slot right now and why

i have a feeling I’m about to get fired

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if you have any questions direct them all to agent

I’m pushing my busy work on him

I wouldn’t fire you
who would answer my questions for me then?

You personally? I’d assume you’d have him as a scumlean
Because of how he posts
You’d probably say that he being w/w with kanave suits your narrative

Maybe it’s because agent made me laugh there when he said I feel like I’m going to be fired but my soul says that response is townie

the fired one

i suck at deciding what to do for one person
how am I gonna do it for two

just do what I would do

believe in the me that believes in you

you’d make a read and say “I’m leaving for now” then come back 30 seconds later

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and I am far too lazy to write paragraphs

this promotion isn’t voluntary

can I leave


starting to think this isn’t a good thing

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if you are scum you are really good at making quick responses