Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

im accepting this derp

unless it’s not a derp and lw actually knows who the mafia are

Well yes because this is my first FM game

okay that didn’t work

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i know everything about this game clearly

are mafia normally told there is a lost wolf when there’s a lost wolf

Alright, well, I have something I know I can do now.

I remember Shark in the previous game, I don’t remember them being so memey (assuming they’re acting like this because of D1 meme phase) and so my plans are to keep an eye on him as the game goes on.

@Sharklifter it’s early game I want you to (and I’m going to too) pick someone and ISO dive them. Come with some basic conclusion if you can.

I personally want to dive ATNo and Arctic so I can explain what is good about them to me (even if it’s going to seem like really weak nonsense)

I hath arrived. What did I miss?

sharklifter is like that villain who says in movies “you have no proof that i killed that specific guy” but as a lost wolf

how would he even know that that role exists if this is his first game

I’ve played in 1 game that I remember with a lost wolf and I don’t believe we were told there was one.
It was Insurgency FM

most of the times

the only person that gets to ignore actual posts is me
/vote Kiiruma @eevee @ElizaThePsycho @Host_Account_1

he was evil in the last game so why does this make you wary of him

…go backread. Got it.

Well… that’s because… it’s not their first game iirc.
I saw them in a game.
And this is where I find out that the game I’m remembering is BotC and I start to doubt everything

this depends on the host of course but sharklifter never played mafia before and what he said may seem like a joke but how would he know the role to joke about if this is his first game

i dont think he’d actually post that if he was lost wolf which is why i want to know if mafia are told there is a lost wolf


Can I ask a couple of questions and things about your statement:

Just a newbie question: ISO dive means…vote them and try to get a read out of them? Or no.

And secondly, the BOTC game i was evil so thats why I wasn’t really acting so memey, + Its BOTC so day one technically isn’t a meme phase because in that, information is possible, so thats also why, but I do get it so I’m not really saying ‘‘lol im not evil cause im meming’’ cause either way I am meming as any type of alignment

i play a lot of SD games to know those roles exist

I just don’t typically know the specific forum roles because I know they’ll be a bunch more

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fair enough

I’m still voting you

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