Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

FWIW the atlas read I had last game was based off clock tower

he actually does stuff in clocktower

but what if I do itā€¦

at the worst possible moment :).

Honestly so far I like that Iā€™m only really acknowledging Aelinā€™s push on me and that Iā€™m ignoring Atlas a bit here. And that that is whatā€™s causing them to get annoyed and vote me since Iā€™m not really taking them seriouslyā€¦ since thereā€™s not much to take seriously.

it was on the forums

he played pretty similarly where he got pushed D1


me waiting for atnoname to become readable

Shark did you feel stressed out as a wolf in the game you played previously?

last game shark played very well socially but he made a bad claim which got him killed

yeah pretty much because everyone wanted me dead either way, and i didnt want to play bad infront of people and my evils cause iā€™d feel bad

If you know me, you know I respond sarcastically to these dumb comments

I thought i played horribly socially, read that badly tbh

I responded to fk why did it respond to agent

If I kept on the claim that I had maybe i could of lived?

because Iā€™m rubber

My main reason (and yes, I know itā€™s weak af) for my townread on ATNo at this point is just I donā€™t think W!ATNo kinda just chills and uses random.org to make a list and vibe with me in the awkward-o-lympics.

Itā€™s really nothing special but just I liked their posts in the first 50 in this thread and how we meshed.

My main reason for liking Arctic is kinda just I feel like theyā€™re trying to lead and it doesnā€™t really feel like itā€™s a wolf trying to put on anything, it kinda just feels like someone trying to kickstart the game. I like their posts

Liking I am assuming meaning you read them as a good guy?

(or atleast neutral if that does exist in these games?)

the problem is i donā€™t think town atno is useless

why would someone think AT as town is useless what