Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

My take on FK, Mist, Aelin, Agent, Shark and Jarek are ‘There’s not much to comment on but nothing stands out as bad or particularly good’.

This should concern me considering FK is one of the top posters. But FK also kinda is someone who’s always a high poster so I feel like I’m going to get something there.

And Aelin’s is kinda a mixed bag because she’s trying something new and idk what to make of it yet.

Neuts aren’t in game, this is confirmed in the OP (Original Post)

thats the point
he isn’t useless when he’s town
he is being useless at the moment

it prob doesnt mean much because it’s early but it’s worth keeping an eye on

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I mean, it was literally posts within the first I believe hour or less than that?
So it’s too early to call them useless, but, I still liked the start anyway

Basically this.
Though I currently TR him atm.
I’m going to re-eval if it continues but I’m assuming it won’t.

Yeah, its too early for that kinda stuff, I’d consider someone useless like, 1 or 2 days in ngl without providing some sort of information or reads?

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@Sharklifter ATNo hasn’t posted much and overall there’s not really too much AI to go off.
But go reread the first 50 posts and the way he interacts and just give your own gut feeling as for them.
I’m interested.

i was
trying to do something
it didnt work
but thanks for the vote of… “hey i like talking to you” i guess lol

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Alright for now I think I believe them to be a little bit sided of a good guy to me? Not gonna say someone is fully town but I think I’ve played a couple of games (not on forums) with AT to kind of get an inkling on how they do stuff

They like to push, and they are pushing for now so I’m gonna off of that

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this has actually been a pretty high content game so far, so this is nagl

Agent47: Weird first post. Somehow has knowledge / bias on LW. Later states that it was speculation based on how 3 wolves = too weak and 4 wolves = too strong. (Kinda debatable IMO.)

Arctic: Weird backup on Agent. (Regardless of whether you did it unconsciously or willingly, you did it regardless.) His reason was biased on his last 15’er, except the sample is only 2 games, which should have resulted in a low bias.

Kiiruma: P#28 implies [REDACTED], which is NAI but slightly worrisome. I should probably check him out again at D3 if he’s still alive by then.

ATNO: I’m not fond of using RNG to choose scum. I’m slightly interested why he thinks there are 4 wolves, but in retrospect it’s probably safer to make a random POE of 4 players than 3 players.

By the time I am reading Arctic’s P#50, I have decided to throw away my first impression of him, and started to townlean him because of two reasons:

  1. The same reason why Arete is generally townread as either alignment in every SOD1 of every game I remember: Arctic’s being helpful for the newbies, giving advice about what to do (make transparent posts, do not TR people for AtE, etc.) and what not to do (claim VT/PR).
  2. Specifically a section in P#50 where he said he didn’t write that post pre-rand. I have read the sentences after that one, and I frankly don’t care. The boldness of the first statement is personally the strongest one I have read in the first 40+ posts, and that is enough to make me townlean him. The others are still null as of moment of writing.

I am not seeing how Kiiruma & Agent are town, nor how Mistyx is mafia, but then again it was less than 1 hour into the game, so I don’t value these reads as much as he does.

earlier when FK was only commenting on me, i was starting to get the impression that his focus was artifically narrowed on me
but then he layed off a little and gave a read on aelin which i really liked
his posts talking about his confidence and also the role stuff is, whilst performative, probably NAI

i dont know what to make of her read on you, i think the reasoning is probably shaky but aelin has had very good reads the last couple games and her increased confidence/aggressiveness (even when it’s perhaps not warranted?) could be attributed to this

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nagl is…? (sorry that im questioning everything)

not a good look

‘NAGL’? Care to explain?
I’ve given a couple of reads :P Albeit weak

alright ty

GDI that timing

i mean you literally said that you hadnt seen anything AI from a group of people that pretty much composes everyone playing except for arctic

I gave 2 mini-reads on ATNo and Arctic
I gave a small bit of a comment on you and FK and why I don’t really have an overall read for either of you yet.

The others each have less than 25 posts and not much if any AI. There’s really not much to go off.

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