Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

My reads:

I was so certain that either Arctic or Jarek was going to die. Why did scum kill GA?

I gave you a dice I didn’t check to see what you rolled I left after

Well rolling a 1 worked out fine for me
Its your problem

actually that’s incorrect

I checked to see if your dice matched mine and then forgot your dice numbers because mafia logic

I think it was for one reason or another, the n0


Anyway I looked at Wazza’s ISO for the two games and I don’t really any difference that is related to the game. Sure, Wazza in Sorc17 looks more focused on reads and Wazza in SCP is the opposite, but like this game, Wazza kinda did both altho I guess you could say she is more town based on her first 6 post.

Hey @Litten, does your POE still hold?

maybe it does

I want your input on Kanave and Wazza.

IIRC it was because Kanave jumped on Jarek’s wagon without any arguments whatsoever.
However, she later clarified that she did that to get his reaction, which she immediately got.
Jarek responded by accepting his own death, which is towny.

Shark flipped town, so unless Jarek has an ability (social or mechanical) that prevents him from getting executed, then his will to sacrifice himself for Shark rationally never comes from scum.

When I said social ability, I meant the thought process of: “Everyone is going after Shark anyway, so I will probably not die even if I ‘sacrifice’ myself.” However, this would be a risky move to pull off, and I don’t think Jarek has the guts to pull this FPS off as scum.

Ditto. Well, apparently I wasted my time writing the previous segment.

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I think killing GA makes more sense if voodoosh is scum

Think about it

they were both going to receive heavy pressure today, it became p obvious gambling was faking his check and once he rescinded it it would make voodoosh look bad again and they would probably both be killed, or at least one would

i think killing GA was to make voodoosh look real

@VooDooSh, if you knew that your townread on Kanave was unreliable, then why did you immediately vote for Shark without checking the VC first? At the very least, why did you not wait until people have answered why they are voting for Kanave?

You clearly said you didn’t know who was voting whom, so your vote could have hypothetically hammered Shark from your POV.

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I wanted to execute them yesterday because while I liked their approach I didn’t like how easily they made their reads on certain slot, but then they made a post that I felt like was villagery because wolves like to over complicate reads and for someone to glance over my posts and just call me the guy defending shark felt like a villagery thought

I don’t have a real read on Wazza it’s more like “this game state would make sense if they were scum”

I’m just going to sheep Arctic read for now

I remember the days when people sheeped me :’(

it’s more than that

i think in those two games she approached the game in drastically different ways, trying to chokehold the game in sorc17 and just sort of doing her own thing in scp fm

i think this game is more like scp fm but at the same time having a village meta of “doing hardly anything” isn’t exactly hard to fake

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I’m actually changing my mind

I’m going to sheep GA read of Wazza putting the thread into a chokehold later on

Both of them?

Approach on what and/or whom?

This tells me nothing. You are being ambiguous. Which slot are you talking about?

Both of them made posts that felt “villagery”?
Quote them.

Wait a minute. I could’ve sworn someone else did this, and it was neither Kanave nor Wazza.


I talked about it privately. They agreed it was an error and didn’t change it.
I have no idea why.
Also I didn’t have to vote Kii in the middle of the day because 30 minutes passed and I wouldn’t get punished for it (?).
My role is confusing.