Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I kind of want to hide if I’m a powerful role or not.

Vote me and let’s see voodoo

Oh, I know his role now



this would work if gambling’s claim wasnt obviously fake after eod

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your role means nothing if you die

it’s more beneficial for us to get you to role claim so you can’t change your role if it doesn’t fit your need

didn’t GA say that his claim was fake?

no, he didnt rescind the n0 but he apparently liked a post saying his claim was fake and litten pointed this out

You already have Arctic in your reads. Why didn’t you just add GA while you’re at it? You said it was “overnight thoughts” so surely you would have theirs as well?
…unless you somehow knew GA was going to die?

Again, you said these were your “overnight thoughts” and not your “outdated thoughts from D1”. Give me an updated read on VooDooSh.

okay yeah atno only missing GA from their list is kinda ???

…OP doesn’t say this game isn’t bastard, so this is not impossible, actually.

wait actually? lmao

Vanillazer isn’t solely bastard I believe
I dont remember

Considering this is a game where dice decide abilities

I doubt it’s fair

Actually it’s not like I will be killed at night anyway.

I’m a “Town OMGUS voter”
I was confused at first because I googled what OMGUS was and only got results for the American army.
I roll a dice from 1 to 6 and that changes the cooldown on my ability.
I rolled 1 both nights so it’s 1 hour divided by 2 = 30 minutes.
I learned from my ability that the last person that voted me day 1 didn’t roll a 1 at any point during the game.

When someone votes me, I have to vote them back when I’m online.
For (roll of dice/2) hours I can’t change my vote or have my ability triggered again, forcing me to change my vote.
Kiiruma vote wasn’t the only one that was an error at the end of the day, the one I made before apparently was an error too.

it’s bastard if the host doesn’t reveal to you their original role card upon their death, because if they didn’t that means that role obscures information upon their death in a way that town has no way of knowing

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yes, and he didn’t even say he forgot, he just said he didn’t have a read there


And if this is true

I don’t think osie lets this role pass review