Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Still could’ve
If its a bastard/game where the entire game is decided via dice or something

how does this make any sense
if you expected someone else to die why did you have a read on the person you expected to die but not on some random

bastard games should be announced, and if they aren’t then that means the whole concept of reviewers can’t be trusted

Well it did lol.
I guess I’m a sacrifice for future games.

your pfp does look like someone I would throw in a volcano for the blood gods

His ability is reincarnation, I’m not sure if that would work.

that means we can sacrifice him multiple times

Unfortunately, I can’t be lynched multiple times.

there is always other games

But if scum thought GA was real, then VooDoo would be cleared. Why would scum kill a role that clears another town over literally anyone else? (For example, a certain player with a JoJo avatar who has the biggest thread influence at D1?)

How was it clear that GA was fake? All they did prior to EOD1 was “spice up the wagons” by hopping in and out between Shark’s wagon and Aelin.

Yes, and how exactly do we “know for certain” that GA was fake based off a like?

I don’t have this role in other games.

the chance of you getting 1’s on both rolls is 2.777777777777778%

Nice maths.

I can’t believe I’m actually using probability in a mafia game

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The arguments of “This role can never be in this game” and “You can’t roll two 1s in a row” are extremely, I don’t want to say stupid, but illogical.

also voodoosh is town

he clearly didn’t know what omgus is because that result actually comes up

if he was mafia his teammates probably would have explained it to him

But at least I won’t be the only one to learn something new from this game for certain.

I was considering using my ability (not the extra dice one) on you as well and you too are terrible at rolling dice

But 1s are the best outcome for me.

not for me