Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

no you dont get to call THAT villagery

stop trying to interrupt in this juicy interaction
itā€™s very useful

my sass at this point isnt villagery
i really just wish you all would die in a hole

How is this useful?!
Itā€™s derailing the thread and I donā€™t want to see people going hard at each other anyway.

arete can you shut the fuck up you are being very annoying

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Shut up arete


Yo, Arete ainā€™t even in this game :frowning:
They didnā€™t do anything to you

We try to have one good conversation here and you keep interrupting us

They did

They called me wolf when I was a wolf in a previous game


F, well my bad I guess.
Go ahead.

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First of all, the only reasons Iā€™m soft defending Aelin is because Iā€™ve known Aelin for a while and you guys being incorrect on her is just annoying me because this is literally how she reacted in SCP FM where she was Town.

Second of all, why would I defend Aelin, give me good reasoning here with at least 3 paragraphs to explain each of your points that Iā€™d assume youā€™d have.

Third of all, now that other people are here.
@Litten @Kiiruma what are your thoughts on Voodoosh


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ā€¦ when?
i dont think i got pushed a single time in scp

Every single time I try to reply to it it disappears

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I have 0 idea what to make of Voodoosh after what they did EoD 1 and what they did earlier on in the thread today. I honestly couldnā€™t give you a solid real there either way. All I know is Iā€™m genuinely irritated at what they did because of how much it basically said ā€˜fuck youā€™ to the hosts.

Even in other quotes

Iā€™m here skimming got to go again

just wanted to say that because itā€™s the first thing came to mind

im glad to see this interaction has been very thought provoking for you

Iā€™m honestly not putting too much thought into what Iā€™m saying rn.
Iā€™m just saying what I think is right and what makes sense to me

I meant the whole speaking very in a monotone way with a lack of emotion but go off