Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

i went into retirement

thats not how being a hitman works :dagger:

im not a hitman
what gave you that impression

i just uh
have a lot of jobs

I see I seeā€¦


Voodooā€™s first catchup posts are seem incredibly amiable. Just ā€œgood post, good post, do this, hereā€™s a tipā€, which by itself is fine, but the behavior doesnā€™t continue in the slightest throughout the entire day which makes me feel like its both intentional and falsified
the self-awareness thing is, in general, just a generally incorrect read but the continuation of it with ā€œmafia might start making self-aware posts on purposeā€ is a pretty example of the spotlight effect
right now its a battle between ā€œegotisticalā€ and ā€œwolfā€
their first ā€œreadspostā€ is their twentieth (or so) post, where they say that they think kiiruma, arctic, and litten are all town

however, while continuing their read out towards me, theyā€¦ only hedge and dont actually address my argument
his post on kiirumaā€™s reads is towny by itself but kiirumaā€™s actual readsā€¦ arenā€™t exactly sparkling and the response doesnt really seem justified
he continues the amiability with zone with

this feels like textbook ā€œkeeping doors openā€
especially with the followup of

note the second piece of that

so buddy-buddyā€¦
the following conversation with mist doesnt feel right in the slightest

it just feels so fucking wrong
just ā€œhaha okay anyway moving onā€ which is weird because he specifically wanted to address her read
going on from that he has stated multiple times at this point that he thinks shark is towny, like, its been his most active read where heā€™s been interacting with it
yet still has him in the poe
lost wolf post is pretty good though and its a thought ive had
moving on from that he strawmans my entire read on him as ā€œme scumreading him for reading peopleā€ and then stops interacting with me whatsoever
he also tries to denounce my point on his shitty progression on mist by prefacing his response with ā€œI would understand if you disagreed with my read, in that case we could come to the truth.ā€ā€¦ but I didnā€™t disagree with his read. That was nowhere in any of my points. I did and still do townread Mist.
He makes a point to not talk to me by butting into a random post and saying

ā€¦ when Iā€™m not even talking to him
i was literally talking to arctic
his read on me also feels scripted later in the day with

  1. i had given reads on multiple people at that point, and whilst kiiruma was my main one, that didnt mean i was hyperfocusing
  2. i wasnt ignoring the gamestate in any way considering i was actively trying to progress it
  3. if i had been trying to take away the lead role from Arctic I wouldā€™ve started attacking Arctic and his reads and been even more active rather than townreading Arctic

he starts to just barf things out such as his magnus ā€œthoughtsā€

the way he responds to arctic as well doesnt look like he actively thinks im scum just by the tone and language

i dont
understand this post at all
i dont understand to read this list??? is it left to right and in each row it restarts??
if thats the case why is it that he ā€œwould honestly bet that the entire bottom group is townā€
how is he grouping people
none of this makes sense
him trying to force things away from jarek is also a weird look regardless of jarekā€™s alignment
cause if jarekā€™s a wolf then it could just be pushing things away from a scum partner and if hes town he might think ā€œoh, well this shit aint happening, lets try and push a wagon towards someone else while we have controlā€ which is evidenced by

it just doesnt seem genuine to be like this
and i know thats a weird way to say it but i dont know a better way to phrase it
then he throws out

becauseā€¦ at switched from talking about me to jarek?
then because of a short case from arctic heā€¦ 180ā€™s his read on shark?
like it seems like hes just vaguely gone from townreading shark to kinda just placing him in null to voting him without any actual progression, simply mirroring the thread consensus on it
his reaction to the check is also shitty
he instantly goes to ā€œthe check is fakeā€ for, frankly, bad reasons
ā€œi wasnt in a dire situation at the timeā€ (which heā€¦ vaguely was)
and ā€œa role that has checks wouldnā€™t claim one n1ā€ which is in direct opposition to the previous point
their first thoughts on kanave are terrible
they havent read ANYTHING about them

and its just like
then, after that

mitigation of responsibility
on top of that he then tries to directly coerce shark into voting me once i leave thread and cant defend myself after we havent interacted in ages

Yeah he just has no logical progression anywhere
then, today

this just doesnt feel right
first off, the zone thing is simply out of nowhere for him
second off the entire tone of the postā€¦ doesnā€™t match up with his plays. hes been actively going for people (and, by gods, its in direct opposition to his attempted coercement of shark)
then he essentially tries to ate out of reads

@Litten (check the summary)

im still trying to think between kiiruma, wazza, and voodoo
see, the interesting part about this is:
kiiruma isnt getting voted
im currently voting wazza but my read on her isnt actually as strong as my reads on voodoo or kiiruma
if i voted voodoo atlas would probably go back onto me making me the top wagon again

idk osie well enough to confirm or deny this

iā€¦ well, yes, but your second sentence is just back-to-back weird phrasing that doesnā€™t work with itself which makes me think you had something else there and then deleted it ā€œi dont know why he would do that as a wolf, but heres why he might do that as a wolfā€

which teams?
am i not on most of these teams right now, too? or are you saying that me/him could be w/w?

i dunno
right now i feel like im doing pretty well with it but if i had to give you a solid answer id probably just use your vote to pile on pressure to voodoo and see if he magically comes out with a new claim or becomes magically delicious unsuspicious

its posts like these that make me think youre scum

If the exact role heā€™s describing is in the game I reserve the right to bully eli

But my role is stupid too so

Do people need a reason for that now?
Is this some sort of recent change that Iā€™m unaware of?

Iā€™m saying if the role he says he has as I understand it


If he has the role he says he does

yes i am
what are you going to do about loser

read it then

Confused Excuse Me GIF by GIPHY News

are you mafia


and this

this is stupid but okay

itā€™s NAI

i donā€™t think i can ever see past how blatantly fake this post is lol
(if aelin is a wolf i actually think it makes wazza town, because she decided to make this blatantly fake/theatrey post just after we called it theatre)

although having said that, these parts from wazza also look blatantly fake:

also if iā€™m in an argument with someone whoā€™s scumreading me, i donā€™t think i would exactly think to just say ā€œfind better reasons to push themā€ to the two people spectating
this is kinda what atlas was talking about

it feels incredibly weird

you have called other players way worse this game

way worse thanā€¦ what?

saying you didnā€™t say worse than ā€œyou can go and shove itā€ because you didnā€™t want to get blacklisted for ad hominem doesnā€™t really work when youā€™ve already said a lot of stuff which is ad hominem

so you basically admitted to it being fake but the reason for it being fake is not really true

ive called people stupid and like
forehead n shit