Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Aelin is voting Wazza at the moment.
Kiiruma isn’t voting anyone, and would’ve voted VooDooSh ages ago had he actually wanted VooDooSh dead.

Fair enough. I haven’t been reading her as much as I would to be honest.

True, but it would be towny if we can actually have an actual reason to read someone instead of “I think this guy is scum”.
–and I’m not seeing that.

You can’t expect me to believe that VooDooSh, someone whose reputation is above Atlas, can be townread because he spat out two scumreads out of nowhere and never bothered explaining them.

im guessing you’re ivyeo?

Oh, yes sorry

I don’t like the way Litten has been pushing, but otherwise I’m not sure? I don’t like Agent 47’s content and how muich they’vbe focused on mech but they give the impress they’re just a player who prefers to talk about mech, Magnus is on there for just not playing the game, ATno hasn’t done anything to put them in my towny list so ig them too?

*anything in a while


i feel like this isn’t really true but shrug

what about mistyx? you think she’s done anything towny in a while?

also, do you think you are out of your wolfrange this game

Feel like they’ve been pushing for whoever is the easiest exe from their pov most of the time. Just feel opertunistic in who they are going for imo

uhhh idr let me iso her

Ivy’s reads feel hedgy rn

no lmao


ok so now i wont feel bad about being wrong if we kill you today :innocent:

that’s mean

Kinda? It’s a PoE but it’s not one I’m in love with

/vote Voodoosh @Host_Account_1

why are you agreeing with me??

isn’t voodoosh the easiest exe here, yet fk kind of townreads voodoo? they seem to be undecided on who they want to go for, sometimes they even consider that i might be a wolf. that doesnt seem like the path of least resistance to me

Given they aren’t actually voting Voodoo I beg to differ, they shifted over to Aelin the instant there was pressure that way

Because you aren’t wrong?

I can’t tell if you just have no care in what you say or you’re just a wolf agreeing with the scumreads on you to seem like town