Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

wow Arctic maybe you should read their SOD2!!!

kiiruma didn’t vote them last? how does this have anything to do with kiiruma

I more meant this:

I suck at wording things

that doesnt count to their ability cuz kiiruma didn’t vote them, so it wasnt an omgus

that’s partly what I’m getting at

I feel like their ability is just a complete lie, this just feels so much like bullshit that I doubt it’s true

so why do you think he lies about having this ability
genuinely what is the point

Because it’s so bullshit that it can be seen as too out there to be fake, I’ve faked roles like this before and it’s worked for me, not to mention he’s literally just claimed that he’s been vanilliarized, so now it’s not even like he has to fake it

he doesnt think to do that in his first forum game ever on a site where he has no idea of the role norms

Voodoosh isn’t an alt?

I thought they were

they’re a video mafia player

wazza you havent read the thread and therefore im not trusting you with your vote

hand it over to me

I literally have read the thread though

youve looked at words but clearly nothing is going in

in my defence I’m processing more words in these sentences than Atlas has over the course of this game entirely

okay you know what, I’ll play into you

Convince me that Voodoosh is Town and convince me whoever you’re voting is scum then (I know you’ve already done the Voodoosh one, but what you said just doesn’t convince me whatsoever)

this was so unnecessary lmao

yeah i plan on making two big things for both of these
not rn tho

In fact, you know what instead of doing all that shit.

Convince me that you’re Town.

I’m still angry at him so I care very little about insulting him in any capacity

there are so many things idk where to start

i think the thing that resonates with me most is that i simply wouldnt care about the game as much as i do if i was a wolf

i dislike wolfing and if i was a wolf then im in a winning position, i wouldnt be trying this hard. i stop caring about the game when the game becomes easy (see joker mafia), and it doesnt help that i dont like wolfing to begin with

i dont change my reads this often as a wolf and i don’t care about solving the game i just care about making myself look good

ik this is just a bunch of self meta but idk what else to say really

i think this has probably been one of my most obvious town games