Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

i thought he was vanillaized as a punishment for knowingly not voting his voter


Why tf would his role allow him to get rid of his restriction?

That’s like saying if I broke my post restriction I get to get rid of it

idfk I don’t believe the claim!

this is an obv town post though thank you

Okay so he’s just scum then, he broke his restriction and got to get rid of his restriction for failing it, that doesn’t make sense whatsoever

Because it isn’t completely negative utility

he gets to learn something
i forgot what it was
like if the person who last voted them rolled the same number as them

I have literally never heard of this part of his role whatsoever

you arent reading the thread which is why your reads are bad

He claimed it today iirc

I have read all of the thread apart from between something like 3400-3500 and some part at the beginning of Day 2

can you please just read sod2
that’s where he

  1. claims his full role
  2. makes himself obv town

@Arctic he literally states nothing about learning anything, this role just looks purely like negative utility

literally in the quote you posted

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this is why I don’t play FM when I’m ill

let me fix this then since clearly I’m blind:
he doesn’t state he learnt anything useful, literally doesn’t help us whatsoever and I see no way how this frankly terrible ability is worth getting rid of a restriction


I feel he just claimed the mods messed up because Kiiruma claimed to roll a 1

i mean what else would they have done for breaking the restriction
modkill them?


Modkill them
Remove their vote
Remove just their ability and keep the restriction
so many things