Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

you arenā€™t as loud as me and no one here knows you as well as they know me so thatā€™s why i have more influence

if kanave is a villager it means nothing because strongarming villager deaths is NAI for me

it means more for the people who followed me

what the fuck is that middle sentence

ok that was a mild exaggeration

but getting lots of villagers killed is within both of my ranges

bc youā€™ve expressed that im villagery and no one feels strongly enough to go against you

did i

i mean i thought you were mildly villagery towards eod1 but i dont think ive said anything about you today

i was talking about yesterday

i still dont think itā€™s super relevant considering it took a while to get people to listen to me on voodoosh

Mech heā€™s still


people had strong thoughts about voodoosh no one has strong thoughts about me

If his slot isnā€™t getting any better mechanically Iā€™ll probably vote him here
Mech confirmed things are better than social reads

iā€™m pretty sure every time iā€™ve said ā€œthis role would never existā€ itā€™s existed

The obviously fake roles tend to be real because scum claim more believable roles

His role is still
Like really bad

no it isnā€™t

i think negative utility / weak town PR makes perfect sense in a 12v3 because scum need mech advantage due to townsided numbers

I been in numerous situations where mechanics have lied to me

I have also been in numerous situations where my social reads didnā€™t lie to me, but the mechanics did.

If your social reads lie to you, that means you need to get good. If your mechanics lies to you, that means you need to get better at reading people anyway.

Social reads are less important than mechanics
Someone can be good socially, but if someone has a for example, redcheck on someone then

CW doko?

This includes a situation where I correctly called that a town cop was incorrectly claiming a red on someone else

I said that they were both being townie, and I asked them if they were sure.

Turns out, after both of them got executed, the cop misread his results

yeah that red check really helped me out in that situation

Are we seriously getting Kanave to L-2 with 2 two-man wagons as the counterwagons?