Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


Thats a mechanical error on the cops part

BOTC has told me mechanics can be bullshitted out of, but your gut will never lie to you. If you think someone is acting shifty it’s because they are, simple as

How do I convince people to get off the other bandwagons and get on Atno

He was a cop who checked to see if someone was neutral. He claimed a guilty on someone because he didn’t think town would execute them if he said they were neutral. It was a mash type game, so executing a neutral wouldn’t be terrible - if they read their results correctly

spoiler: you dont

Mechanics are far more reliable

I don’t really know if I trust abilities in this when they’re RNG on how useful they’re going to be

And my social reads didn’t lie to me there. The mechanics that the person talked about did.

Just because it’s incorrect mechanical doesn’t mean your social reads are less important than your mechanics

on paper mechanics are reliable

a few more rolemadness games atlas and you’ll realize just how often mechanics will really screw you over

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By doing nothing. This wagon is sus.
How the heck did it get to L-2 without any form of resistance?

/vote ATNoName

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Plus I have no idea if rolling a low roll with certain roles (like sharks) is going to give you some garbage feedback or not

don’t worry
i only get bad protection roles

OK I’ll go into reasons on why I want a wagon on AtNo and see if anyone else agrees with it. You will agree or you won’t but you won’t convince me to move my vote unless someone is undeniably evil and needs to die first

the power of my charisma
(and/or wolves sheeping me
but i think everyone on the wagon is town)

Fun reminder

actually no i dont mistyx is on the wagon ew

You townread at?

i think he’s been tmi’ed v by 2/3 of my top wolfreads

kiiruma and kanave both basically townread atno for his weird shit at the start of the game which to no sane person was actually villagery