Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I’m only using it as an excuse because I have absolutely not interacted with any forum mafia games ever and I’m not really a fan of sitting around twiddling my thumbs the entire game. As a result I expect some of my pushes will look absolutely idiotic on account of the fact I don’t know any better

I’m trying not to hide behind funny new player as a fallback I just don’t want anyone to think I actually know what I’m doing and have some grand over-arching plan

magnus has posted 3 times and only one was slightly game related

Fair enough

implies you have no counterargument to you being a wolf?

I don’t because I have no idea what I’m saying reads as I’m just putting stuff out there anyway because I have to, being quiet as a town or hell even as an evil only makes me look bad and I’m not really playing the game at that point anyway

why do you take my joke posts and write an essay about why I suck at fm

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I told u I don’t know any better :sob:

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I’ve apparently done a good enough job to not instantly die, which considering how shark went (I told you so) I consider a win

only one of us two voted him

Guess who

wasn’t me

it was you


read your iso

I’m actually pretty sure at the end I rescinded or voted someone else

still voted him

you just want to get 1 over on me don’t you

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ok you win

What do I get