Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I have learned that spoilering my posts leads to them not getting read
so fuck you all im clogging thread (hey, that rhymed!)

his immediate entry is towny enough
continuing on with the rng stuff though its pretty bad

as the day progresses he gets farther and farther off topic and he doesnt contribute much

this is a bad thought because shark has been talking about me at this point
hes just been saying the same things over and over

his continuing argument, however, looks pretty good
overall he seems to be mirroring thread consensus with his reads without giving original reasonings (if any is given at all)

says a lot but doesnt take an actual stance and basically goes neutral to everything
his paranoia with arctic is a vaguely towny look but he doesnt move anywhere with it which irks me
his conversation with sharkā€¦ doesnt actually ping me whatsoever
it should and i dont understand why it doesnt

this post is tonally terrible
rather than arguing that its not what he would do as scum he asks why it would be scummy

none of these were very in depth and it feels like a deflection of an actually valid question
then he has absolutely no progression on wazza before getting close to eod and going to arctic

this post also feels entirely ingenuine
he hasnt shown any signs of this paranoia throughout the day and doesnt elaborate
also he leaves a legacy like hes anything near likely to die which displays a full disconnect from thread

not a read

not a read

not a read

not a read

not a read

not a read

not a read

not a read

then HOLY FUCK what is this
(also the entire read basically boils down to ā€œtheyā€™re pushing me and their push is badā€)

this entire post says nothing of value
(wazza was scum in sorc17 and town in scp)

sounds like a townread
but he didnt say he was townreading zone and i earlier

everything after that is entirely noncommittal and just bouncing around in thread

@Jarek here you go
and honestly everyone else too

me, trying to see if theres a case on atno and not seeing one:

/vote ATNoName @Host_Account_1

these two were reads tbh

Jarek one less so, but its clear both are townreads

The first one ended with ā€œfollow Arcticā€™s readsā€ which absolves responsibility and the second one was hedge

It still was a read, but it was slightly avoiding having to to do anything, and he still has a semi-solid read
nevertheless, he looks worse from that

ā€œNot a good readā€ just donā€™t have the same succinct vibe of ā€œNot a readā€
And also I wanted the impact of ā€œNot a readā€ over and over
It felt nice

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who knows

I wonā€™t go into your argument just yet Iā€™ll just post mine.

Mine is essentially the thread I had up there, but to re-iterate it into a more condensed post;

AtNoName strikes me as a wolf that went hard on town early on to read as good for people and pass by under the radar, then they dropped off towards the end of D1 and the entirety of D2 because maintaining the act requires too much effort to actually do consistently (Iā€™m saying they donā€™t have the ability they seem to be acting like they have).

If they had an actual cop abiltiy I would have thought theyā€™d be much more active throughout the game to ensure their ability is consistently being used properly - Instead I see what theyā€™ve done as just pretending they care about the game now and hoping to lay low with what theyā€™ve provided already and come back later, possibly to do it again if it worked the first time.

I know you say that my argument makes him look town but Iā€™m going to deny that on the grounds that itā€™s probably what he wants; All of what I got was from D1 and early on at that. Aside from what I snagged heā€™s done quite literally nothing to progress the game aside from jump in to post line-through posts and joke about which is fine but eh.

You could tell me theyā€™re baiting as a vanilla town, I wouldnā€™t have a counter-argument for why that canā€™t be the case, but I donā€™t get good vibes from their actions, Iā€™m hoping the bandwagon pressure encourages them to open up, or they die one of the two idc.

@Aelin Tell me Iā€™m wrong if you want but you and I want the same thing in the end and thatā€™s to see atnoname in a BODYBAG

everyone not doing anything:

At least those people not doing anything are consistent.

no thereā€™s several players doing the exact same thing

Iā€™ve decided NoName should die for it first, I am witchhunting this to the end

Which is why I made the useless post in the first place

Thatā€™sā€¦ kinda right and kinda wrong
I said it looked like you were pointing out things you thought were towny and then just slapping on a couple lines of why to vote him afterwards wherein the content and the conclusion didnā€™t match up
Regardless this post isā€¦ okay, I guess. Iā€™m not feeling much emotion but it follows along well enough logically speaking

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Iā€™ll be honest thatā€™s because reading his posts I was like ā€œwaitā€¦Am I wrong here?ā€ but I decided to continue anyway because, well, either Iā€™m wrong and I out a cop ability (massive idiot) or Iā€™m right and I make a good push. Iā€™m hedging my bets on me being right or at least wrong in the sense that they arenā€™t a cop BUTā€¦

I doubt theyā€™re a cop with a good ability anyway

I donā€™t see why theyā€™d be so pro-active early on if not to get some cheap scumreads for potential abilities later on

They likely canā€™t see alignments or role names