Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

This displays both of those

I stole this from op, itā€™s not my role

Well maybe they are. I donā€™t know :sob:

this is why you just give vtā€™s or make them bad abilities instead of having a full role btw


Voted Voters Count
ATNoName Jarek, Zone_Q11, Arctic, Kanave, Aelin 5/7
Kanave Mistyx, ATNoName, Litten 3/7
Mistyx Agent47 1/7
VooDooSh Wazza 1/7
Zone_Q11 VooDooSh 1/7
[Not voting] Magnus, Kiiruma 2

Ping @LadyLuck if anything is wrong or missing

  • Now
  • Later

0 voters




Iā€™m glad it wasnā€™t complete shit :blush:

Thereā€™s not much emotion to it because I confused myself on if heā€™s town or not because of how I read his early posts, Iā€™m blindly swinging hoping heā€™s evil and I was right but I donā€™t want to say I am right just in case Iā€™m not and have massive egg on my face

Be more confident in your reads

My argument for why Iā€™m not is that Iā€™m new and I do Not want to be the guy who goes ā€œYOUā€™RE EVIL I KNOW YOU AREā€ just to be wrong and ruin the entire game

Itā€™s probably an evil thing to not be confident but if Iā€™m not giving everyone a fair world-view where I show the good side and bad side then Iā€™m probably evil and want to frame someone in a certain way

100% of 1 votes is on later, so due to new year, the ā€œvote historyā€ count will be done during the night 2.

We are sorry for inconvience.
Second option was doing it now, but then it would have a lot of day missing from it.


Also this one vote was mine.

Is this written in polish
Is polish a language
I am doubting all of my amassed knowledge atm

Doā€¦ you not have any stronger reads confusion

I think heā€™s evil itā€™s just I bamboozled myself with how he was acting early. As In, He looked evil as fuck, but the way he was acting could almost be read as him acting like the cop role I described or trying to bait like he was one.

Heā€™s evil tho.


