Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Are you more concerned with how accusing someone looks than if they’re scum?

your last couple of posts both seem to give me the impression that you aren’t approaching that check the way you would be if you were town

it looks like you are approaching this from what you should do as mafia

No I’m just saying;

Would you believe me if the entire time I was going “this guy is good”

and then I’m like “I’ve changed my mind he’s evil now”

I’d assume that’d you’ve rolled similr too the three?

Because he said he checked me one time (that seems like a lie from my point of view because I know what my role is)

DO you think he’s scum now?

No I think he’s just lying probably because he distrusts me for reasons I’ll have to figure out and was trying to get a reaction out of me to read me

In what way is the way I am approaching this situation mafia-like?

. ÷2 ÷2 ÷2 ÷2 ÷2 . .

In fact he admitted to having paranoia on me after said execution of AtNo, and probably didn’t like that I had a biological clock that told me to sleep when he wanted me to vote with him thus breaking whatever “deal” we had

I’m sorry for that btw but I’m not pulling a 24 hour stay awake session to play FM

in future when you wolf you should try to be less obvious about caring how good/back you look

in this response it’s clear that you care more about not making yourself look bad than you do about the fact i could be scum, which you forgot to fake because you know i’m town

As town, if someone claims a check on me and I’m a newer player, I would default to thinking that the other player was scum trying to execute me. I reacted in a similar situation a long time ago when scum counter claimed doctor and then I freaked out and they talked about how they were trying to get scum to think they were the actual doctor (bullshit but whatever I didn’t know better at the time)

you didn’t even consider that, you jumped to the fact that they were probably reaction testing you, which either means you are more competent then you seem (which is a good thing, I just don’t know how competent you are), or you are mafia trying to handle this in this way because you know they are town

Fair enough… Couldn’t you be mafia with that role though?
I don’t recall neighborizer being inherently towny.

You are saying I removed one of the important parts of your posts, but that’s not what I did.

At worst, you can accuse me for mentioning two posts of yours which I deemed interesting, and then putting them next to each other as if they are correlated when they are not.

The “mismatched motive” which made me scumread you was when you caused a tie by voting ATNO instead of just going after Kanave, and your talk about willing to remove your vote when it is L-1, because in context it seems like you and FK were just playing charade.

You are not contradicting yourself, but I never accused you of making one in the first place.
I am accusing you of lying about me lying about you.

You are saying I am lying about the existence of a hammerer, when I only recently understood that there cannot be one in this game.

Pot, meet kettle.
You are not even giving me your question, and instead questioning my question.
I don’t understand what you don’t understand.
I asked indirectly why the day ended with 6 votes when 7 votes is required for majority.
The host answered “because it was hammered”,
so my first thought went to “there is a hammerer (role)”
–which apparently doesn’t exist, or at the very least not between you and FK.

Again: While this does remove the possibility of a hammerer between you and FK,
it does not remove the possibility of a “hater” who made ATNO die upon reaching L-1.
–and my first suspects on who this “hater” could be were the people whose votes ended at ATNO during Day 1, which just happens to be exactly you two.

The role itself isn’t ai, never claimed it was

it’s also evident that you thought of how it would look to accuse Arctic of lying

Wolves do that way more often than town does

jarek you were a chad wolf

im sorry you were button clicked

You clearly actually think I’m evil from this post alone, I read this as either you hard leaning on the fake that I was checked still trying to pressure me maybe, or you actually got a redcheck on me and you think you’ve got an evil by the balls (you don’t).

It’s my first time playing a forum mafia game but the tricks people pull on other social deduction games carry over to this too it seems. Fake scum-checking is something people really love to do because if they succeed then it (can) end the game pretty much instantly. I appreciate being called competant though that’s nice :blush:

Fair enough.

how exactly does this work

Jarek are you a Miller

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