Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

So would I. :slight_smile:

I am not a doctor

Whos it on then

Okay doc

I am not a parity cop

Donā€™t expect me to be able to heal anyone except when I get very lucky

I think ur evil for trying to push on that lead so much

(i was just poking fun at atlas lying about his role im parity copā€¦ kinda)

Disgusted Steve Carell GIF


Iā€™m allowed to have a wrong opinion donā€™t be rude

someone was redchecked I feel thatā€™s a pretty good lead to push on

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I just need to be confident on 1 of voodoo/jarek being town and this game is won

in case this wasnt obvious im no longer confidnet on voodoo being town

I hate mechanical confirms

I can try my best to make one of them obvious town today

or obvious wolf

Hey Jarek, how are you going about solving this game. How do you think this game will be won?

tough luck, thatā€™s the best type

This is the poe

mistyx magnus kiiruma kanave

we can afford to add one more of jarek/voodoo. if this contains no wolves, then we win. if it contains 1 wolf and we add the correct one to the poe, we win. if it contains 2 wolves then we lose. if it contains 1 and we add the wrong one we lose

I am staking the game on my townreads of agent, wazza, zone and litten being correct

Working from most likely to least?

Kanave mist magnus kiiruma