Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I dont expect big plays from you

this entire time you thought i was arcticresolve?

sharklifter made the same mistake but he at least realized before the game was over

holy shit

Well there you go there’s the reason I was wrong

I don’t really know which is which it’s hard to tell ok

Glad we cleared that much up at least :slight_smile:

Yeah this is a different Arctic, (But hes still very much the same annoying as the other arctic!!! Nah that’s a joke, don’t take it literally mate)

Is that more likely than him being confused?

i’m also having a hard time believing that you believe that “arctic posting more = arctic wolf” when last game i top posted as town and townled

Okay, that’s it. This is the third time you avoided my question already.

/vote Agent47

i don’t know

Do you seriously want me to say I think your stupid?

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generally speaking, we have a lot of time to say whatever we wish. Simply being active makes you easier to read unless you are the type of person to post 100 meaningless thing in an hour. Your best bet is to read their content rather than read there activity since it was ends well for this site.

Well you’re not the same one so you won’t understand where I’m coming from unless you also play trash games with me :sob:

I dont have any expectations of you being a good player this game

I figured as much which is why I wasn’t going to say anything

I can be pushed either way on Shark if the reasons are good. Deep inside I think he is town, but I very unconfident in it.
Shark, I want to talk with you 1 on 1. Maybe that will help me clear things up. And it will help you read me, so it’s a win for both sides.
What are your opinions on people right now?

whaaaat, so you don’t wanna be read?

Your welcome to prove me wrong during this game, but from what I’ve seen
I dont expect mega plays and strong reasons for reads

I don’t want to feel stupid

there’s a difference

You don’t, thats the thing.

anyways let me respond to voodoo

It’s better to clear stuff up rather than leave it unknown and end up saying the same thing another day.