Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I finished reading.
I want to townread Zone, but I don’t think that would make too much sense. They only posted game-related content. And I personally prefer to read people based on the less game related things (emotions, jokes, etc.)
I think Shark posting a lot is a good sign. I think he would be posting less if he was mafia, considering he is new and getting pushed a lot.

go on big man, share

I will discuss it with you, as will everyone else. What’s to worry? If you misunderstood something, someone will explain.



out it

not good enough :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s just a suspicion on arctic as in my experience with games like this, people who talk a lot and seem active early on are conversely the most evil people

Probably wrong, as I said.

im better than you!!!

he literally posted like 500 times on day 1 alone of the last game as evil

I’m very glad that you are the first person to vote me.

/vote Mistyx @Host_Account_1

and why do you think being very active would point more to evil than good?

I’m not going through 20 posts a screen to find something in a game I don’t remember

I wouldn’t read me as good from that, considering I talk a lot as a bad guy (and usually) also as a good guy, I’m just in general active because I have nothing else to do :P

I take it back then.
What do you think on Shark then?
Frankly, I’m a bit lost on him.
It feels like he is trying his best but everyone is saying that he is suspicious so I am second-guessing myself.


i’m also a bit lost on him but i’m scumreading him for these reasons

My experience with arctic as a player outside of forum mafia suggests that they try to be active because it shifts the suspicion from them to someone else since quiet people tend to be more naturally suspicious than someone who has been trying to solve the game the entire time

but like I said thinks probably don’t work the same way here, and I’m not going to act on that until I have something more concrete than what amounts to a guess

By that logic, town players who are active and talk a lot early do not exist. Which is obviously not the case.


Thank you for the consideration, but please just answer my question. Ignore what you had said in response to my post, and tell me whether you think we are still in RVS or not.

Eeyup. Personally, I got no read on ATNO since he’s done nothing to ping my radar, but I use Arctic’s read as a second-hand method to read ATNO as nulltown.

Hm… Your intentions are pure (and therefore towny). It is understandable that you want to avoid a mindless bandwagon, but do understand that:

  1. As others have mentioned, being on the fence (between whether to push or dismantle a wagon) never ends well for anyone,
  2. Dismantling a wagon (even if it is a baseless one) without a good reason to dismantle it, is implying that you are defending whoever is targeted,
  3. Not everyone is a sheep who will follow the big wagon without properly factchecking the context,
  4. Even though the repetition is very tedious and time-consuming, it is still a good mindset to repeat a story a hundred times to ensure that everyone understands why what is happening.

I believe I am being a paranoid, but this mindmeld sounds sketchy.

Unless you’re not the same one that I know :sob: