Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Or any combo with both

then it’s useless

You’d need to either get exactly 123 or 456

or 223 or sometning like that

I can have duplicates

i thought it would make me roll another die and i have no idea how that would interact with my role

i just assumed that if i rolled a die that didnt match the previous one then i would get nothing, which is why it would be bad to roll another die

on second thoughts i dont know if thats how it would work

Mistyx, Kanave, and Kiiruma right? That’s the PoE?

If we are going to assume that all the Mafia are in there, and even then Kanave was active during then. I think it’s unlikely that I wouldn’t have realized sooner that I got thunderdomed . In my scum games, I always keep a close eye on my scumchat and definitely would have if I just replaced in.

I read through Arctic’s ISO earlier this night and concluded overall town. Only one point of their ISO I would a bit strange but I didn’t think it meant much in the grand scale of things.

I don’t have to force you to roll a dice

I can still target you with my other ability

knowing what dice i roll on even nights is pointless?


If everyone agrees that arc is town, that means that the POE is within you kanave kiiruma mist with jarek/Voodoo if everything blows up

Kanave and Jarek were both active after during the period which I was accused. Again, I check my scumchat a lot, even excessively. I’m pretty sure I would have known earlier in most scenarios if I were a wolf.

I find it funny how me being town equates to my poe being correct fypov

that’s a dangerous assumption
but one i will not complain about

Members of the town are physically incapable of being wrong

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Well it’s not unreasonable to assume that he could be a wolf. He has claimed no pelts.

While I generally read him as town for a lot of reasons, he has had some hiccups, EoD2 comes to mind where he appears really certain that Kanave is wolf based on some weird interactions analysis and iirc ends up on a different wagon.

Unfortunately a V!Arctic claiming to check me would have justifiable reasons to do so but I’m also an easy target to eliminate since my slot literally did nothing.

yes it is
im reporting you

I have been absent at both eod’s and both have been wrong
Coincidence? I think not

Wait hold on didn’t you claim yesterday? I remember FK getting mad at you for claiming or something

i claimed investigative

So ur red could be false positive

yes but i was wifoming the check