Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

quote pls

daydreaming maybe
i should get a life

why do you need a quote I’m telling you that I voted then

hosts is this vote count right

I’m being forced to vote Jarek against my will apparently


Kanave is a witch and should be burnt at the stake

@Host_Account_1 can you confirm vc is accurate

i sure do hope it is



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guessing mafia have a role that affects votes differently depending upon what they roll

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i can’t be fucked to think about what this means rn

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what does this mean

host being host

Ayo what if mafia have a hammer + force voter uh oh

@Litten your vote didn’t count bc you didn’t ping hosts maybe?

no they did I’m voting you but hosts say the vote count is right
