Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

People think i’m suspicious because Arctic’s push on me was so obvious I was able to call it out instead of deciding to fall for it and push back

that’s not suspicious I’m just not a dunce

Your in a position where your comfortable ignoring things for now. But if you say something bad or more suspicious gets cast on you, it’s not going to turn out well for you

Here’s the problem
We don’t know either of your two alignments, we can only assume from our position. It may be obvious if your town, you know your town and Arctic is probably town in your eyes, but we have no clue

We do not know if your town. It’s just matching your motives

This is a problem I consistently have in that I fail to see how other people view me and just assume they’re reading everything I want the way I want them to. I really should work on it.

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Sometimes your right. And you have to keep an eye out for those times

Don’t assume because others see it differently that they’re the right ones
From any point of view, you could make sense

I’m always correct until someone can prove me wrong in my head.

(Nobody can prove me wrong because their logic is fallible and mine is not :slight_smile: )

Thats a better mindset than always assuming your wrong

Not a great one, but better.


I swear I have read ten posts from nap explaining that his wall post will be posted soon


Regardless; I will work on it and I’m sure if I ever participate in a FM game again I will be posting massive overanalyzed posts about why someone should die

I guess providing evidence for my claims would make my claims more credible from any kind of standpoint but why can’t people just go get it themselves :sob:

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my wallpost will be posted soon

Be honest though have I been terrible for this first game or have I at least been passable


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i am not leaving the thread until ive posted this thing