Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


you’re posting like you’re trying to stay completely neutral to the thread and i dont think your mindset and tone lines up with what i’d expect from a newbie villager

error 748,813,923

Stole my bread

Hi Wazza, I want to see more from you. I saw you only have 4 posts.

you’ll have to wait for that then as I’m not providing proper content until I’ve actually read the thread

I am indeed very neutral to a lot of things right now. I don’t see how that’s suspicious.
And I am not a noob, like I said I have experience in mafia.

Now from my side: why are you being so passive right now? Give a genuine reason. It might either help people stop suspecting you.

OK. Take your time.

this is something that is very much not ai for me

Agent is very underwhelming for me as well. He has 50 posts, but only around 10 of them are relevant, and all focus on a single person who I think is town. I am not a big fan right now.

Alright, I got the meaning now, yeah sure I was just thinking of another thing (which was like a PM)

But my opinions on people who have currently done things?

Good guy list, top is most, bottom is small town read:

Kiiruma - Most because of my reads on other players, if that is the case, then Kii seems big good guy like.
Arctic - From what I’ve played, Arctic likes to be loud as a good player, which they are being right now, the only problem I have is that they aren’t doing it as often, but thats up to conjecture.
ATNoName - Last town read I have, and the smallest at that due to what others have said, AT was active near the start with their pushes, but then kind of lost that activeness in the chat overall, but if I’m going based off my starting read I think they are a little bit good

Neutral is the people who I don’t name, they haven’t gave me enough info on why I should trust or distrust them.

Bad guy list, top is most, bottom is least:

Jarek - Alright big man, I don’t wanna do him in but he doesn’t just seem as active nor himself right now (of course activity doesnt state a factor) and he ‘‘revealed’’ himself to be quite powerful earlier on, I feel like Jarek would of understood this is a bad idea as a goodie and is trying to relatively look like a very confused newbie, maybe this is me overestimating him, but I feel like he wouldn’t of done that.

Agent - I feel like his posts are very confusing and don’t lean onto anything at all, albeit I could be totally wrong but I don’t understand it nor do I really get the point of trying to push Kii further for something everybody does which is ‘‘pocketing’’, I feel like anybody does it and is pushing too hard on that read.

Zone - Smallest thing I have against zone is jumping on the wagon, albeit its a double edged sword and I get it, and I understand the offense of it, it felt a bit off, is all, and the reads Zone have, albeit some are against me (im not trying to counter vote), the other reasons have been a bit off to me, I can’t really understand them, overall Zone is like, very thin on being mafia and most likely goes back up to a neutral stance probably later, but that’s all I have in all honesty

okay maybe that was too big idk if that was a good idea

I hope you step it up then. Still plenty of time in the day, but the earlier the better.

No, that looks perfect. Let me read it real quick.

I’m never useful until I feel like being useful

ironically the players that are actually new are the ones staying neutral to the thread

u said im mafia!!! liarrrrr

Though tbh I have a different opinion on that, I feel like the other two newbies that I know of (Jarek/Voodoo) are currently easily sided for me, Voodoo seems to be going more up in my town reads atm, and like I said, Jarek is my biggest mafia read

Jarek was second on your list. Why did you vote him intead of Agent, who was first in the list?

I don’t know what you think “makes sense”, but I would like to let you know that I do not believe I can socially read people as well as others, which is why I am more strict about “jokes”.
I don’t understand what you meant by “I have only posted game-related content” though. Would you like to give an example of it?

I disagree with your reason that “posting a lot = towny”, but I do start to doubt whether a newbie mafia is realistically able to write (what I believe to be) pure writing, i.e. giving full-length explanation about his thought process for each and every case that I have presented to him.

I saw Arctic’s post saying about what he did in BotF, but I stand by what I said about: “That game has nothing to do with this game.”

not going to bother

  1. you haven’t seen me wolf so you don’t know if this means anything
  2. what do you mean i’m not “doing it as often”; i’ve literally been in thread for most of the day

it feels like you’re making this read out of obligation which matches with what i think the wolves are doing with respect to my slot- shrug towning me and then spk’ing me because i think they aren’t even bothering to make a push on me this game