Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


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think both arctic and zone are v from SoD1

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Arctic you did not roll a 1,4, or a 3

i dont know what i roll


unless my action was blocked somehow

Wazza also didn’t or he rolled a 4 and commuted again which would be funny

That’s why I targeted you

i misread and thought you were asking me what i rolled

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Today is a LyLo.

Remember - all votes are locked upon voting.

Kiiruma’s SoD1 looks like classic w!PKR TMI and flailing ngl

wrt reads on ATno, Arctic (p sure v), and Aelin

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oh fun times

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there is a 2/3 chance that alignment check was primed and a 1/3 chance that parity check was primed

not that it matters since i basically always die tonight

why wasn’t this role at start of day

okay wtf

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i changed my mind again

i did want to die last night


I think Jarek is outted from eod yesterday but how the fuck are there four wolves

i prepped a mylo post not a lylo post

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Just from VCs Jarek looks p bad imo

That one PoE player who just won’t die tends to be maf

Tho I haven’t looked at context for anything - just votecounts - so take this with a grain of salt

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lol we’re never getting 4 wolves in a row so i just want to see how many we can get before we lose


arctic whats your litten read

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Jarek tmi’ed that Kanave was v yesterday near eod