Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

the way they dropped it looks really bad but I can see them being a wolf regardless of Chloe’s alignment here since it would make sense if they were partnered or not

i think it looked too bad that i think he would have prob thought not to do it as a wolf

this dumb read proves why twtbaw is stupid and bad

i still think he’s a wolf anyway but that kinda caught me off guard

anyway im going to sleep

i entirely expect us to have lost by the time i wake up

i’ve been playing this game badly and my frustration at how badly we’ve been playing has just caused me to play even worse cuz i can’t really be bothered anymore

most of my posts scumreading chloe aren’t jokes, i genuinely think she has been very wolfy but regardless i think i’ve been treating the slot kinda poorly and i should prob give her the benefit of the doubt and try to communicate better

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If it makes you feel any better I probably haven’t helped and I would like to apologise for being such a downer all the time. It does suck being called evil a bunch when you have no idea why but that’s on me not you :sob:

Who cares if we don’t win it’s just a game I just wanna have fun

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i havent won a non-mash village game in uh
a quick minute

plus im actually supposed to be decently good at this game
you’re a new player


if your town this game

then I don’t consider it your fault anymore since you are trying to be more amicable here now

you will likely be asked to either vote chloe tho or Chloe vote Kirruma tho

what’s ur read on kiiruma

The good news is you look better than Chloe

So I don’t think you will lose the cross if that does happen

which admittedly is bad if you are a wolf for me but still

Chloe please come back

I really can’t say because I don’t know them too well. They seem annoyed at being nommed and generally flustered but that appears to be how they act usually as town?

Personally I think they’re probably evil for it. It’d be very easy to act like that as an evil without drawing much suspicion if that’s how they always act as town. I’d have to read their posts to make a more accurate read but personally they’re worth killing since they’ve contributed very little I feel.

I don’t think you expressed this at much, but if you were in sole control of the town, who would you lynch in what order?

This is a tough choice because I don’t feel like I have good reads after atno’s push, and I really really do not like being a kingmaker.

Chloe, Because if I’m going to lose it’s going to be right away. Either my tin foil hat theory was correct and this will lead me to more wolves or I lose immediately and I don’t have to worry about being 3/4 on the wolves and then losing at the final hurdle.

Zone, because this tin foil hat theory would proceed with Zone who has, despite what most other people in this “town core” have been saying, they’ve also been townreading me which I don’t like. I don’t know what makes my posts evil-looking, but what don’t they see that everyone else does?

Kiiruma, At this point it’s a guessing game. I’d hope by this point that we’ve got a lead on other people that’d be more solid than guesswork. Afromentioned reasons and the fact that other people seem to think the same leads me to believe this’d be the easiest and best push provided I was right both times previously.

??? Probably Wazza, You’ve lost me after this point, I couldn’t possibly tell you who I’d suspect next. Wazza purely off of how I “feel” - haven’t seen them be as active as other people have - not neccessarilly damning by itself because not everyone has the time to contribute 5000 posts a day, but if you’re really going to force me to lead everyone, then this would be the absolute last and shakiest choice to make

The last pick(s) contradict what I was saying about wanting to “lose right away” but assuming this whole “townreading jarek = evil” thing follows through these two haven’t really interacted with me at all and I have nothing on them. Yet.

my patience is running low again

I kind of just want this game over tbh

@Chloe are you online
@Jarek are you online



now that Arctic gone, can you go back to talking with me

about what

im kinda trying to focus on just catching up since i apparently suck at multitasking today lol

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Whats up what happened to your patience :pleading_face: