Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

If you coast by as Town and then suddenly turn mega active as Scum, you’re gonna be killed more than likely.
Trust me
I’d know from experience lmao

I do much prefer Kiiruma lol.
But yeah, honestly, I know you’ve known me.
I’m just debating being a good player.
I have a lot to learn and improve on.

I’m fucking rusty to put it mildly.

I have a 30% town winrate

and I’m pretty sure it’s less than that
so you aren’t bad, trust me

Yeah I bet I’d die if I tried playing differently and happened to be evil but it is what it is, I have a decent post-count that I’m comfortable with saying I did not just play glorified spectator this game, it’s mostly because I just had no idea how FM plays out that I wasn’t confident on making judgement calls

How the fuck do you have 715 posts and I haven’t noticed a single bit of content from you what the fuck


I have no idea what my winrates are.
But they’re so low that I have to purposefully remember good games and use them to just be like ‘I can be ok, just keep trying’

Like FoL 29 was a legendary game for me.
Insurgency FM was great too with my tactics.

my god I think I need to start actually reading thread instead of skimming it lmao

I guarantee next game if I participate in one (I probably will it wasn’t so bad) I’ll be evil and I’ll probably get called out for being way more active and it will be a massive coincidence that will forever ruin how I play as evil and town

Wow you’re so mean you don’t even read anything I say :sob:

seems like the night owls came out

Get punned on Wazza

well if it makes you feel better, my winrate on this site is 1/5 currently

We’re about to drop it to 1/6

or raise it to 2/5

I have a feeling my win rate isn’t going to be 1/1

it’s going to be 0% and that will be tragic

unless some godsend miracle comes the fuck down from heaven I’m not winning lmao

how the fuck is percentages fair I have to win two games if I lose this game to get 66% win perventag


I’ve decided losing is boring so I’m gonna win instead

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who’s the wolfs oh magical one