Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Jarek, Jarek, Jarek and Jarek

this is making me have more wim unironically

All we have to do is kill one of them and reverse engineer how they acted to find the next one it’s not rocket science it’s just painful :slight_smile:

(update it’s 2/5, I won SCP FM, forgot)
that’s the funny part, it isn’t fair

Supa Mario I survived as solo-Mafia for 3 days and won in F3 which was one of my best performances imo
Except in Stellaris FM I just didn’t do anything and in SCP FM we only won because the entire scumteam OUTED.

FM just feels like a game of luck


you either get mafia
or you lose

Oh wait scp mafia exists

how the fuck did I forget about tbag

it’s better off forgotten

scp mafia what lol

how on earth are you going to tell me the peanut blended in with foundation personnel

it’s when town should have lost but Eevee did reality bending and got all scum to claim and then proceeded to Lynch them in lylo

I really wish I was Eevee sometimes

I feel like that’s more on the evil team for just outing

tbf 3/4 of the scum were already obvious (Zone, Leafia and YBW), literally only Wind managed to hide away from most people who aren’t called Aelin

Any good social deduction player knows that until you get the “you win” screen you haven’t won and there’s a chance you can lose

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are we still waiting on chloe


it is
it’s completely their fault for losing

guys I realised a reason for Town to be motivated to win

my win rate will not become 50%?

So does anyone agree with my read on Chloe being nefarious, evil, and trying to pocket me as the outsider townie that’s getting shit on by everoyne else

Or was that tinfoil as hell