Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I’m just vibing with lack of care for this game lmao

  • Firekitten
  • Wazza
  • Mistyx
  • Jarek
  • Nap
  • Kiiruma
  • Arctic
  • Zone_Q11
  • chloe

Both Kiiruma and Misty have felt townie, Arctic has felt townie. Jarek has also felt townie today. The people who haven’t felt townie are Chloe and the people who have been deattached from the thread, wouldn’t be surprised if the team was Zone/Nap/Wazza/Chloe

idt kiiruma and napoleon are w/w because kiiruma is too scared to call me a wolf for outting a redcheck on their partner

I, personally speaking, would be surprised if I was on the team

it would be a meme lmao

nah I’m sort of calling it now that Chloe/Kiiruma can easily be W/W

bruh i said napoleon/kiiruma

i do think kiiruma/chloe can be w/w, a lot of their interactions have been extremely unnatural

although, when i was looking at voodoo’s iso, his early townreads on kiiruma smelt like tmi

Actually I don’t get it
Why does Chloe make a giant post on why Kiiruma is scum, but doesn’t follow through with it?

yeah I know and I gave my peace about the other side of it

well now she has a choice between napoleon and fmhpov one of them is definitely a wolf so it’s worth looking into the other if she is town

idt it was realistic for her to read everyone’s iso’s before the gladiate happened, but i do think she voted quite early?

this was all some big brain plan by scum team

I’m going tbh the game would make a lot of sense if the team was Wazza/zone/Chloe/nap

town would have ate each other alive

yeah, if the game didnt exist before today i would unironically say this was the team lol

even if it’s the team there’s zero chance we win lmao

i mean, since the game isn’t over we already know at least 1 scum has been consistently afk


if that’s the team, we lose because one actually played well, the other has a town meta of barely doing anything which is easy to fake, and the other 2 were afk/not present

kinda sucky

Magnus/Napoleon Stuff

Okay Magnus’ ISO gives me nothing lmao

God this is a mood lol like this is precisely how I felt when I started posting toDay, minus the no nightkill.
I came into today expecting MYLO and having to force people to quickhammer no-exe then it was Not That
Idt this is a slip as you guys are making it out to be
‘Wolfslips’ like this come from town all the time
It could very well just be speculation on the town/wolf composition

Idk his early posts feel fine thusfar? There’s nothing that really swings me either way in his early posts, which is somewhat of a good sign since from my memory Nappy has been caught off of openers quite a bit (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, anyone) and gets out of the PoE over time

More of the same thoughts for the most part - except my townread on Arctic is more micro than macro i’d say

Not very in-depth reasoning but continuous melds are a very small point in his favor tbh
It’s not like I was in the game at this point for him to specifically attempt to meld with - I think this is more than likely to just be his natural thoughts
V weak on this read since melds are easy to fake - especially when they aren’t on very uh… complex(? word?) things - but my gut is a fan so far yeah

This feels slightly wonky
I feel like most people’s first thought would be to OMGUS the person falsely redchecking them
Idk maybe the fact that this response isn’t what I’d expect is villagery bc it doesn’t seem like he’s Posting What He Thinks A Villager Would Post. Idk it’s like on the line for me I don’t know if I feel comfortable taking anything away from this my gut goes from disliking it to liking it to disliking it to liking it

From my single scumgame with Nappy I feel like this is untrue :wowee: he wasn’t very present
But that could have been bc of irl circumstances. I don’t remember what led to him subbing out

This could be TMI
Though similarly to the earlier # Of Wolves thing I’m not sure it’s a solid slip and could very well be setup spec - I’m not sure if Nappy does this as a villager, I can’t remember. I think probably?
But it makes me mrr a bit cuz I can see it coming from salty scum

At the very least he didn’t TMI the nightkill on Agent failing :wowee:
Don’t really get anything AI from this but it is another weak meld and seems to be anticonsensus which makes my brain a little happy

Oh nvm I get what he’s trying to say now
This doesn’t sound like salty scum as much as the previous posts
I can see where he’s coming from yeah

solidass post
could see nappy writing this regardless of alignment, but some of the points he brings up (which are ultimately wifom, yes) do make me think he’s more likely a villager

His progression from being suspicious of a wolf in the towncore to thinking that wolf is Arctic based on the redcheck lines up and feels somewhat genuine imo
And I don’t think it’s quite the route he takes as scum, unless w/w with Arctic, because w!Nappy would likely lose WiM, and call the redcheck a bluff or the results manipulated much more rather than arriving at this conclusion and going against the grain this much

Ok yes true :wowee:
Now i’m back on the doubt train thanks nap

This is actually probably true from my experience
Dude would deflate hardcore

this is the good stuff

(the following is a reponse to kiiruma. the quotes keep messing up):

Followthrough on trying to garner alignments based on reactions to the redcheck (and a lack of votes) feels like a villa mindset and priority tbqh

Bro these posts in this section are all hella villagery the dude is just spilling his thoughts all over the place and going ham
Dude feels like an obvious villager why is there so much suspicion on him lol

V good look if Jarek is a wolf
He hopped from Jarek prob being town to this with the snap of a finger, when it was actually pretty possible Jarek could die that EoD

This post is kinda bad in that it goes with the flow of the thread and he could have turned around on me when he saw how everyone was treating me
But tbh I think it lines up with how I expect him to read me especially in a game where he’s not very attached
He probably did go with thread consensus either consciously or subconsciously
Don’t think that points to him being a wolf unless he continues on this read without expanding on better reasoning

The main arguments I see against Nap are

  1. Low WiM (and lack of presence in general)
  2. TMI’d the setup

Lack of WiM is a valid concern, and he does struggle with WiM as a wolf the longer the game continues, but I think his WiM spike after being redchecked, as well as the fact that it checks out that his WiM is low because he can’t really get connected to the game (tbh same) makes this ultimately NAI

Scumslips like stating the number of wolves are almost never actual scumslips in my experience, at least when it comes to experienced players. I newer or weaker player might accidentally TMI the setup, but Nappy is in no way a new or weak player. Ultimately NAI with a personal slight lean on town for how he went about it because we melded

I think there are far more reasons for Nappy to be a villager than there are for him to be a wolf

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Nap is very likely just a villager

I’m not voting him today unless given very good reason

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Even if that’s the case

Town lost because they played badly

One part of being town is identifying the town

We should have been able to recognize the people we were executing didn’t really make sense or felt townie

but we didn’t

which is something I’m probably going to look more into after the game so I don’t replicate it in the future

mainly, why I felt they were scum, and what I could have done to find them as town

if Napoleon votes you then technically speaking you wouldn’t have a choice

just saying