Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


yeah i think setup would’ve been balanced if i was an lw

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idk 2 LWs seems kind of out there

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did y’all get wolf message btw

Eli said he might send a message from us to you guys

At least in that game I can press cool buttons

Arctic will never town read me again in my life

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Note to self:

Create more shenegians next time.

he might not in this one but what about the other 8

you poor fools forgot the rules of old

oh wise marl, what were those rules

litten is too strong to let live past day 2


i think that the difference between the average special setup and a great special setup is how much effort the host dedicates to making sure that, say, all 20 players have a unique experience, not just the 5 of them that you had initial ideas for interesting mechanics around

the game may take 4 times longer to design but it’ll be far more than 4 times more unique and memorable



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zelda mash.png


five people have died

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i mean, obviously dont lose sight of balancing issues in this
but without apoc’s role even, the creativity in design was flowing through many of the roles in that setup, and the general mechs too
it was unique and memorable for sure

and it shows that even if the mash had balance issues and people frustrated with experimental mechanics, it didn’t feel half baked like a lot of the special setups i see on this site and on mu and i respect ud for that

flavor alone made zelda mash the second best mash of last year (Besides Anni, and anni is usually the most memorable because despite usually being not all that balanced it has like 20x more work put into it than an average mash)

bm4 > all dont @ me