Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

wait is 3h a name

That game is super good

fire emblem 3 wolf factions

Fire emblem 3 houses

I divert my attention to useless sources of information


Edelgard v everyone

One scum thatā€™s omegabusted


I never played fire emblem before tbh

I like playing FE but when I think about it itā€™s hard to name positive things about it

Iā€™ve not either but Iā€™m going to have radical opinions in it for no reason
It sucks

Actually thatā€™s not true

1 town faction 4 wolf factions where the wolf factions each can theoretically work with one other faction when the planets and stars align is optimal distribution


game ends day 1 after extremely polarized player rands scum

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They good and bad. They are great but theres things that if the devā€™s did the games would just be so much better. Like give 3 houses another year and those 2 weak routes would work.

Elimination proof lol nice try


Star Multiball or Riot.

A must remove C&D to win.
B must remove D&E to win.
C must remove E&A to win.
D must remove A&B to win.
E must remove B&C to win.

Split the informed/uninformed however youā€™d like.

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Whatā€™s the best route in your opinion


15 town players and 6 independent evils gogogo.

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problem with star multiball is that it becomes a social alliances game instead of a social deduction game i think
feel free to make it work and convince me otherwise though

(and yes im aware that this is probably a joke post)

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D&D FM where itā€™s just a one-shot murder mystery arc in 5e