Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Blue Lions then Golden deer. The other two are meh

BL is god tier everything else sucks

The scum faction are PF2e supremacists

Golden was decent
It wasnā€™t great, it was decent

I never finished the others lol

Blue lions was a by the books good fe game. Golden deer was a bit more fantastical and the others they existed I guess


I played blind and went BL no regrets

I couldnt finish them after BL. But I got far enough in deer to feel that way that it was better than the other two

i never played 3h but i watched my brother play through golden deer and knowing nothing about the others thats the best one

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Oh, absolutely. Itā€™s part of the reason why people hate multiball. I actually kinda like the following sort of Star:


Since you make the town factions all want to eliminate the mafia factions but T1 and T3 canā€™t see both eliminated until they take care of each other.

Itā€™s a bit closer to a FFA, but ehh.


3H struggles to work since ideally you want to do it as a mash so you can utilize the full breadth of mechanics but thereā€™s just not enough characters to justify it


me who has never played a fire emblem game

Gatekeeper better be strongest PR


In particular gambits are a great mechanic if done correctly


I just set the final level up to give Dimitri counter and 100% crit and then warped him to center of the map lol

Actually, itā€™sā€¦ just a weird math?

Like,since itā€™s counting how many townies are necessary to be misslynched out of all townies in a gameā€¦ itā€™s always gonna be a bit below 50%.

Like, letā€™s take example of 1000 vs 3 game.
In which case scum to get it down to 3v3 needs to misslynch 498 townies (49%) and kill other 497 at night.

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Oh and vantage lol

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Dimitri with battalion wrath + vantage killing half the game in a single day

A Dreaming God with a number of abilities equal to the number of players, and each ability just absorbs a different player into an X-headed hydra.