Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

It’s pretty stupid when you slap the gambit that gives counter on

Actually it’s stupid anyway

only in mountainous, it can go far higher if you throw in a few cops and vigilantes and doctors by virtue of self-clears and checks and town being able to kill more people than mafia
and mountainous isn’t necessarily hailed as the most balanced setups anyways

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Would it convert or nah


Yeah, I don’t exactly think that 1000 vs 3 would be a valid game. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, that pretty much means that your math has nothing to do with balance, but it messures how much kill power is in a game total.

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it can’t tell you that a setup is balanced but it can sometimes tell you that a setup is unbalanced


i mean, i wouldnt say it has nothing to do with balance because like
the amnt of killpower in the game is certainly not all thats important in the game balance, but is still definitely important to consider when balancing


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Of course.


Mafia balance is pseudoscience


Amount of kill power decides game speed.
However not necessarily game balance.

Like… take for example short fuse.

i mean
this doesnt really tell you much abt game speed either
if you have a 300v100 mountainous then that’ll give the same percentage as a 300v100 with a 1-shot town vig and 1-shot wolf vig and 300v100 with 50 executions per day and mafia having 50 factional kills

but if you have 300v100 with 50 executions per day and mafia having 1 factional kill then you’ll get a number like 98% which is indicative of it being stupidly unbalanced

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“What, players expect reviewers to actually balance the games? That’s just crazy!”


well one of the things Night’s calculation was explicitly accounting for is number of miseliminations required of non-cleared-from-role players

and like, if someone brings their 17p 4v13 setup to you with 5 unique town PRs, even if they’re all pretty useless PRs, then the fact that wolves need to get 5/8 rather than 5/13 misexes is a major difference!


Uh-oh, looks like the thread has started to break. Must be near the magic length.


Destroying this thread is a good consequence


So basicly you counted amount of executions per day town had in this game in compare to amount of executions town had in mountainous?

I don’t think anyone had issues with that part :stuck_out_tongue:

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im confused

Kills can be factored into balance but not always

if a kill causes a slot to be replaced by an exact lookalike with all the same memories and experiences
Can that really be stated as a kill for the purpose of balance

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kill of theseus

Can it really be stated as kill for the purpose of human morality?

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