Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

7 am
Should I sleep
If I do my sleep schedule will get worse but I’m tired and my shoulder hurts

do it you wont


m bye

that was easy :dark_sunglasses:

also m bye

I wouldn’t be surprised. I feel like the disc one villain when I’m executed d2, even as Town.

Nevertheless, there’s a peculiar pattern. As Town it seems I am regularly lynched early and as Wolf I somehow get miscleared for a few days before dying midgame.

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Anyways my opinion about it because I know you sooooooooooooo want my opinion because im a bad guy!!!

I personally feel like the first part is him being genuine and I think they are being an active good player, trying to get opinions out while also providing opinions themself, which seems like a very good player move as opinions are important overall to finding a baddie cause baddies have weird thought processes, so imo the first post (and what they’ve done) are good.

Second part I don’t necessarily agree with, I think it was a genuine misunderstanding as tbh I’d do the same as any role either way, had to look up a terminology website to remember the meaning of what TMI was lol

I think you are good therefore you are evil at this stage
(this is a joke plz dont take seriously)

it’s not a peculiar pattern
it’s called wolves pushing you when you’re town and defending you when you’re also a wolf

in both cases town follows whatever the wolves do

Which certainly seems to be the case most times.

Do not talk down to me. I have read Mistyx’s posts and come to a conclusion.
I would understand if you disagreed with my read, in that case we could come to the truth. So if you are willing to cooperate, I am too.
But to me, you have been pushing two town targets that are not the easiest of the bunch to hang, but also not the hardest.
Could you be town that is just wrong? Absolutely. So if you are, I hope we can improve our interaction here.

Frankly, I don’t think your read will change regardless of what I say.
I don’t remember which posts of Mistyx I liked, I will need to revisit them.
I also apologise for the two posts I made in the morning, I was a bit grumpy due to lack of sleep.

What I am trying to do is be reasonable.
I have shared my thoughts and agreed, disagreed, and discussed with people who had other opinions.
In what way am I then agreeable?
I am trying to be as rational as possible but the constant pressure I am receiving for being rational is a slight annoyance.
If you have a problem with me not having that many strong reads at this point, then your standards are too high. I want to have strong reads 10 hours before the day ends. That’s when I will have enough information to make proper judgemenets.

Why are you being a slave to Aelin?
Use your own mind. Make your own decisions.

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You ask me to elaborate on my thoughts and then do not elaborate on your own.

I consider you unreasonable right now and I do not want to discuss with someone who is unreasonable.

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I am in a train to work right now so I will spend my time analyzing more. I hope the slight tilt I’m experiencing will stop through the fun that I have analyzing people.

Arctic, you reminded me.
I really liked your thought on Jarek but I am still not confident enough on Shark.
I will read him closer to when day ends. And you’ve certainly been providing logical points so I will keep them in mind while doing so.

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To explain my read on Mistyx:
She has given to me a “don’t care” aura, yet with an adequate amount of reads and explanations. She has been playing like she wants to and while people may say that’s not a valid point, I think as mafia she would be trying to please the consensus a little bit more. But so far I’m satisfied with what I see.

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While I highly doubt Aelin will be hanged today, she is probably my most confident scumread. This is not because she is pushing me, although that’s part of the reason why I suspect her. This is because she has been giving a hyperfocus on two players (Kiiruma and me) while practically ignoring the gamestate. It feels to me like she is trying to take away the lead role from Arctic, who I have a solid townread on since I’ve been agreeing with them on many things.