Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

It would be great if someone else was here.

Magnus is solid so far. Iā€™m hoping for good things from them.

uh why
he hasnā€™t really done anything

Yes, thatā€™s why I donā€™t have a read on him yet.

oh i assumed ā€œsolidā€ meant you were townreading them

Oh, sorry. I meant that he looks solid as a player.

Why do you think they are scum?

I would ask what specific points make Jarek a good guy if I can ask that, because to me he really doesnā€™t seem like the norm heā€™d usually play, barring the fact this is a different design of gameplay, Iā€™m not gonna go into it too much but Iā€™m pretty interested on why others are so against my opinion

i donā€™t think itā€™s accurate to say sheā€™s been ignoring the gamestate, because sheā€™s still been trying to look into agent and litten recently too

i donā€™t think sheā€™s trying to lead either, sheā€™s just trying to be more assertive because the last couple games sheā€™s had good reads but she wasnā€™t loud/assertive enough to push them

woah thereā€™s a whole party here now

check notes

realize it has the words ā€œdo not out it yetā€

refuse to talk about it

I do agree that Aelin seems quite suspicious, they arenā€™t my top scumread at the moment but I definetly do agree with the fact of the players that they are pushing seem townlike to me with reasons that are kind of off the hook, Iā€™m not sure about anything on why the push is on you, Iā€™d much prefer if they sticked to their guns but pushing who I think is probably my second most town read (which is you) makes me think its a baddie trying to push good players into the spotlight, hoping theyā€™d slip up and take their chances on it tbh.

It did not seem like much in comparison, but I might be biased because my name sticks out to me more than others.

And it looks like today is not her lucky day then. How unfortunate.
Though if she is right on Kii, big props to her. I would take back everything I said in that case since there is no way they are mafia together. But I confidently think Kii is town.

some of my reads are probably wrong considering I have so many townie people, really doubt that the majority of the scum team is in the null people right now

iā€™ve been considering just sheeping her since sheā€™s probably right about a fair amount of things but i canā€™t trust that sheā€™ll have good reads every game unfortunately

I havenā€™t heard you talk about Aelin at all, why are they sus?

yeah, i had a similar problem

i thought most people were towny but i donā€™t want to believe that scum are all null people

which is why i was exaggerating the shark read earlier
(i do actually think he is very likely mafia at this point however)

I talked with them and about them a couple of hours ago, but they are sus to me because they are too pushy to be a pusher, as in it feels like rather than a goodie trying to get information, it feels like a baddie trying to make a good guy slip up on their words and out what they are, or get killed for a free kill, while looking like they did a wrong read rather than a baddie, thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking so far

I donā€™t remember most of what Arctic said, but I remember something about ignoring his wallpost and some other smaller things, which made a lot of sense to me.
I really need to improve my memory.

I read the wallpost, and Iā€™m assuming the smaller things is my behaviour towards others and how im non commital to reads? Thatā€™s just in general me trying to not be a huge dick and go on about it, and see what others have to say but I think arctic just thinks thats not the type of person I am and thinks im a baddie because of it