Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I don’t think I played with them before then

That was the flavor for the game. idr the set-up. I feel like I’ve seen your pfp but it could just be from general chat and stuff idk :woman_shrugging:

my pfp is very memorable

it’s adorable


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oh before i forget
/vote Sharklifter @Host_Account_1

he’s more concerned with addressing the stuff about the botc game rather than the part where i’m calling him mafia
it doesnt even seem to remotely faze him

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Most botc players lost their shit if you call them evil and they’re good, so that’s pretty damning evidence


you say aelin is a wolf because she’s pushing on two people you think are town and not in a villagery way

what makes it different to say, the way i am pushing you
there must be a difference since you townread me
i want to know why

i would join you but im trying to get atnoname to play the game

While I don’t necessarily agree with their reads, I like the way that Kanave approached the game so far, so I’m town reading that a little

I want them to play the game but I also think they’re good :woman_shrugging:

I am :).

We (or at least I) vote people in order to get more information about the player, rather than voting to execute

at least d1

Fair enough, but that’s sadly less effective now that I’ve said publically that I think they’re good :upside_down_face:

i pops joints am cracks neck awake

I’m here and caught up

Got a lot of thoughts but very unorganized right now so questions would be very helpful to get me to think through/explain my thoughts

i saw some stuff i was supposed to reply to while reading up and then immediately forgot it

also I do have very relevant information in the form of a night 0 green on Voodoo

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get hecked