Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

mafia are more likely to notice or pick up on hints of when someone is accusing them because they have a guilty conscience and will be looking out for it

it’s a stupid read but that’s what i was trying to say

Looking at Shark and Jarek’s back and forth shows nothing good. Shark especially. Posts like #959 just seem like a parrot of the defense Jarek gave earlier about not wanting to be wrong even though it had already been disscussed in thread why that isn’t important.
Both of them kept bringing up being botc players, and were correlating it to their maf play.
It doesn’t matter.
Posts like:

Just seems like deflecting the accusation. They are trying to defend themselves without actually having to do so.
Then their interaction with Jarek can be boiled down to accusations which they never actually commited to and disscussion about another game.
They also bring up having an evil mindset repeatedly, to defend a claim they made about guilt and why it’s towny that they would feel guilty about being wrong, and read more as them trying to again, explain that the read on them is wrong and not any attempts at actually moving the game forward.

Jarek on the another hand also never really commit to anything they were saying. They didn’t want to bring stuff up in case it was wrong, and just don’t commit to anything they’ve said and as a result, they haven’t contributed much.

So do you like the list or no? What does it make you think of Voodoo? Most of their posts can be summerized as “I think X but also not X”
I think I’d want to vote Shark over Jarek here, but nethier seems to have traction.

do you think they’re likely to be w/w?

Read parts of the thread, skimmed through the rest, deciding to place my vote here for undisclosed reasons for the timebeing, I might move it more towards the end of the day
/vote ATNoName @Host_Account_1

Current thoughts going from most town to least town, I’m not holding back on these reads btw as I can’t be bothered second-guessing myself:




Not placing because of lack of content:

I’m willing to give explanations on all of these as I can explain my thought process behind each and every one of them

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don’t say I don’t ever do stuff for ya

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Some various town leany thoughts on other players:
Arctic I prolly woulda voted early game cause their posts read as trying to appear productive without realy being so, but they’ve contributed enough after the fact that I’d lean them town.
Voodoo is literally playing FM as if it were video mafia. Reading him as if he were a VM player, I’d read him town, so I’m putting him town for now. (except for their omgus that was p bad lol) Edit: oh they mech had too? LMAO good role design
ATNo I don’t like the pressure they’ve gotten. I think despite the low post count many of their early posts (past the first 3-4) have been pushing the game forward and making content.
Mistyx’s few posts are also towny esp #766
Kiiruma is town lean idk why I just read that from their posts bleh

explain as many of kiiruma, sharklifter and skadoosh as you want

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Honestly? I can see it. Namely the way they accused each other and then just kinda played it off jokingly, felt like they didn’t really treat each others talk with as much consideration as the rest of thread, except for their talk about a different game. The difference in their conversations about content and not about content def reads like atleast 1 is a wolf

okay reading on further this is kinda like, the opposite of what they’ve been doing all game. (which ig means that it’s kinda towny bc i’ve read most of their stuff as wolfy but the inconsistency aint a great look ethier)

I don’t recall any of such posts. Could you quote a couple of them?

I don’t understand this logic. Are you saying that Aelin looks like a mastermind to you who is doing nothing while she lets townies push other townies? Because otherwise you are implying in the last sentences that Aelin herself is a townie as well.

…Shark, based on this post, I see that you think Aelin is pushing Kiiruma and VooDoo -which is correct; that did happen- but: Did you see who else she pushed?

Your theory says that she is pushing town to keep the attention away from other wolves.
So with that in mind, I ask you: “Who do you think she is keeping the attention away from, by pushing Kiiruma and VooDoo?”

I am on the fence with Shark. On one side, he seems tonally pure. On the other side, I disagree a lot with his thought process. I am having the same problem with VooDoo as well, and I am inclined to believe that they are either V/V or W/W.

When did this happen?

I… change my statement about Shark/VooDoo being either V/V or W/W.
This quick change of heart seems opportunistic, which I don’t believe comes from town.

…I now understand why VooDoo quickly had a change of heart about Shark, but I still believe that the vote was opportunistic as it was too sudden. Speaking of which, given this information, I no longer know what Shark/VooDoo are, but definitely not V/V. There should be at least one wolf within them.

…? Where did this aggressiveness come from?
Who hurt you?

Why is this aggressive behavior ongoing?
Did someone kill your pet dog or something?

how about explain all of them :).

I’m not in the mood to make another wall post right now, you will have to ask again later when I feel up to it again.

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have we played together kanave

you seem familiar

conf bias but holyyyyyyyy this is defensive before the accusation even comes.

i doubt it

sharklifter seemed annoyed that jarek is being townread in a way that i think is unlikely to come from partners

plus this just doesn’t look w/w

I think so, I played in teh painting mafia and the 17er with hatecon


no you havent

Not sure I fully agree, given it has the whole “doesn’t feel like they’re accusing each other seriously” but the first 2 I can def see. Still want to vote shark though

Cloned game