Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

@Host_Account_1 go do host stuff

3 on me, 3 on AT

there’s 4 on shark and 2 on at since i moved to magnus and misty moved to shark

Thats what i originally thought, since he isn’tt as experienced in social reads rather than mech, hes gonna have a hard time make good reads and since he is afraid of mistake, he put a mental barrier on how to read. So do you think hes using this excuse to not make reads and end up being mled?

sorry not mled, exed.

/Vote @ATNoName @Host_Account_1

I don’t really have a GOOD reason for this, but I feel like voting new players and bullying them into claims is inherently evil and is potentially a more experienced wolf hoping to force a scared, powerful and new townie into claiming they have abilities for an easy “read” and kill.

I also just really don’t want to see shark die D1 again regardless of his role it’s just tragic. I mean he’s probably evil but come on let him be evil for a day longer at least :sob:

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when did I ask people to claim?

You didn’t explicitly ask anyone to claim; you put forward a cold-call evil team then voted me. Might have been a joke but that reads to me as you trying to get me to panic early on and claim so I wouldn’t get sussed and voted.

Or did you vote me for a joke? Wasn’t very funny :sob:

that was like 1 hour into the game if anyone panic in 1 hour then I might as well hang myself.

True, but still.

welp time to hang myself.

Watch and lear-

I am alive!
Is nice

The 2 main wagons have a thing in common, their ISOs have been incredibly painful to dive in and try to fetch my reasonings out of.

My read on ATNo still stems from the early on way which we vibed and their use of RNG so casually. But as the game continued, they’ve had some weird moments such as what just felt like a randomly placed vote:

Which I feel like as mafia, they’d at least be a bit more self aware of how things are coming across. Like I saw them say nothing about Arctic, vote them and not even touch much on them after that. And that’s just 1 weird thing I can talk about. It’s a really weird version of ‘TWTBAW’

Shark, I just can’t even begin to talk about.

Shark has the 2nd most posts and yet content wise? I’d say they’re not even 50% content based with anything of any sort of positive towny substance.

One post I liked from them was:

Since it felt like a simple and genuine response to my question. Yet they say ‘I wouldn’t rely on my reads’ and ‘I’d focus on reading off of how much people write’. Like, they’re not trusting their own reads but instead are going to look at content? Yes… that’s how you’re supposed to be able to form a read in the first place.

And this isn’t the only thing to me which doesn’t make sense, it’s just one of the early ones.

I’m going to timeskip a fair bit.

This came long after we’d already discussed to death ‘Don’t soft, don’t claim, don’t acknowledge others’ having claimed, just leave it be’. And I just don’t understand why W!Shark says so many things which just don’t seem to make sense.

Some of Shark’s posts also feel like they could be coached but this may just be the fact that their posts content overall really doesn’t leave much for the imagination. It’s just straight and to the point which feels like it could come from a wolf trying to leave behind no breadcrumbs (should it be coaching)

They went for a gutsy claim in the BotF but they weren’t like the main wolf, unless they’re a wolf who feels like they’re disposable, I think they’re more likely to be a townie who just doesn’t know what to say and is struggling to stay afloat.

@Aelin although this isn’t quite what I said I’d provide, it’s a bit of a take on the top 2 wagons and me basically coming to the conclusion that both wagons are painful af, I can’t exactly blame them and yet I can’t see them doing these things as wolf unless there’s a lot going wrong. (I could see them potentially being lost wolf should we have one like someone setup speculated when I was discussing that earlier on in the game)

so who do we kill

because this feels like a classic wolf PKR tmi’s the top wagons v post

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This requires me to stay up, ISO more people and try to hope that I’m making any sort of coherent sense

I would like to point out that someone said that I do this earlier in the game.
But I basically don’t care how I come across as long as I can say what I think I should

what about gth

I believe votecounts are shark 4 at 3 kii 2