Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

You don’t know me!

We’ve signified a few additional cases, vaguely the suspicion on Willow and trust on WX (both of whom we’re voting with), but fair

Wicker is my current most confident townread, although not my “top” town if that distinction makes sense.

Willow and WX could be on a similar wavelength, having quite similar reads while trusting each other in an unclear sense, but at most there’s one evil between them. We trust the latter’s head more than the former’s.

I’ll pass on commenting about Wolfgang at the moment, since they’re still just right here. Chaos usually means town.

Wicker / Willow / Wix / Woodie has one at most, more likely evil.

Understood, this is likely to be town sided. If you can, try to leave a legacy near EOD. I’m going to try to go to sleep again.

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See you around

Recline well in a gossamer hammock of your own creation, and may you catch lots of flies!

@Wolfgang I was enjoying your capslock rant.

thanks bro



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lol omgus is nai

wolfgang omgussing and “reaching” isnt even like wolf indicative really

how are they twtbaw they are towny literally

wolfgang is so obviously town its crazy lol

are u serious lol

Wortox (3): Wolfgang, Wes, Wanda
Wolfgang (3): Wormwood, Wortox, Wigfrid
Wilson (3): WX-78, Willow, Webber
Warly (1): Wendy
Woodie (1): Wurt

Not Voting (4): Wilson, Woodie, Warly, Wickerbottom

bold = town
underline = nullish
italics = wolf

Wortox (3): Wolfgang, Wes, Wanda
Wolfgang (3): Wormwood, Wortox, Wigfrid
Wilson (3):WX-78, Willow, Webber
Warly (1): Wendy
Woodie (1): Wurt

Not Voting (4): Wilson, Woodie, Warly, Wickerbottom

Wurt only has one mild townread on Wes; and no explicit scumreads. Given their activity quotient, we would’ve anticipated more substance than that

Retracting the instant townread on Wicker has been called a good move, because Wick didn’t have town-ai content in their first four post, but from a wolf-mindset it could be an over-eager townread that was accountably dropped for fear of being seen as TMI. they dropped the topic without readdressing it later on when there was more content surrounding Wicker, even given the favourable reactions to that slot.

Wurt’s other noteworthy read was to trust Woodie because they couldn’t see an evil motivation for their actions, which was then inverted later and dropped in favour of a vote when the bot allegations came out. We can assume this is no longer a townread given a stated inability to see a town motivation to generate reads; but it doesn’t read like a scum case either. In any case, it feels like Wurt really just has the one read.

This is a plausible evil slot in our eight eyes, although likely not with Woodie

i liked our conversation but i do think wurt voting woodie after we decided he was prob town was bad

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Since the day is about 7 hours away from ending, here’re my thoughts for today.

From my side, I’m running low on wood for the night, gotta get that chopping done before I hit the hay.

Anyway, other than that, I’m doing my best to help town. Yeah, I’ve been a bit absent-minded at times, and apparently I broke a rule.

Now, let’s talk about what I saw from a thorough reading. Wendy’s wise with her questions and analysis, so I’m inclined to trust her judgment. Wes might be goofing around a bit, but he’s also asking some important questions. I don’t think Despite he’s attention-seeking demeanor, I don’t think it is a tactic to obfuscate a hidden intention or do something shady, so I’m keeping him in the town column.
Webber’s been putting in some solid effort too, kind of like Wendy, so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. Wortox, on the other hand, hasn’t been pulling his weight, so I’m starting to side-eye him a bit. Warly’s been pretty quiet, not really stepping up to help out, so I’m not sure where he stands. WX-78’s been acting all frustrated and aggressive, but I can’t tell if it’s part of his strategy or maybe his as simple as his personality. Thus, I will keep an eye on his interactions with others as the game progresses. wolfgang is changing his perception a lot, his posts have many inconsistencies thus he’s considered nulltown. Wilson’s been pretty quiet from what I’ve seen, not really jumping into the conversation much. As for Wurt and Wickerbottom, they’re kind of in a gray area for me right now.
And as for Wanda, haven’t heard a peep from her.

So yeah, that’s where I’m at. Gonna have to cast my vote for Wortox for now.

VOTE: Wortox


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I don’t even know what to say

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discussing rulebreaks during ongoing games is also against the rules, just so you’re aware


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Romance! Drama! A tale of two rivals, turned reluctant lovers! Ooh, it just makes our heart swoon to imagine the luscious details! We’ll grab the popcorn and then you can begin act 2!

Popping corn, to be precise! It can be prepared by cooking corn in the raw!

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