Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

thank you

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woodie u are still a rat but rats are good rat not wolf rat not wolf never on



wendy why do u think all the jokes are serious u are so robot wilson no 2

I never claimed anything was serious. How do you know I’m serious? What if this is a game? What if this is a joke?

i already knew that bc look at me

in clown

Hm, you are indeed a joke. I fail to see a need to deny the truth.

So wolves does stand on two legs when pressed against the wall

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Haha! Just a joke.

I notice I now have 22 posts. That is 7 more than I wanted. See you guys later.

You still voted me when I made first post, your vote will be seen as defending wilson

We do not exist, and yet we have captured the sun.


12:3 mountainous only has a 43% winrate from to Mafia Universe’s ev/ page, which is optimistic to my ears when the anon-gametype tilts the scales again.

That’s not how the game is played!

what direction does anon usually tilt the game?


Also gut say wicker bad

I think wickerbottom can very very easily be misread based on their recent posts and therefore mislynched by wolves if they are town
I just don’t know if that actually makes them town

I presuppose it’s wolf-sided, owing to the fact that meta-tracking becomes waaay harder when it comes to eliminating mafia, while evils can just kill off thread performance

I love your character icon

I see that makes sense ig, I think meta is generally overrated anyway tho

We tend to just throw darts at a wall until something sticks. Now we don’t know who the targets are, they left us!