Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

Evils sometimes enter the first day with flamboyance just so they look like they know what they’re doing. Wortox and Wilson had prewritten openers, while the rest felt UTR

Mafia sided, due to the lacking of meta reads. It is already traditonally wolf sided, with a 12v3 vanilla game. 5 Mislynches, which adds up to 41%, not 43% like Webber is saying. 50% is balanced, anything above 50% is town sided.

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can we hammer


I wasnt asking if it was allowed I was asking the group

Meta is bad if you’re using it on a small scale. Large scale it’s very good.

Theoretically, yes. We can hammer.

Who should we hammer then

Who am I voting?

VOTE: Wickerbottom

Alr lets hammer now guys

I agree.

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Yeah that sounds accurate

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:ghoststab: :ghoststab:

guys read me and threadspwe me town ok

i promise im sane

sanity flows through every neuron blood lymphatic vessek and the d

why do u guys sound so boring like where is the big drama can i tunnel someone now hold hte shovel never stop we big strong men shoveling

@wilson dont go

Speak for yourself! We are the masters of delight, providing a cure for your plight, that which creeps in the night!

so u dont wanna be a buff strong hot man i wanna be pe