Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

nuh uh

yuh huh

im going to go do stuff i expect to see at least two outted wolves by the time i get back

VOTE: Caitlin


VOTE: soweli

I see a good opportunity to vote you back esp. since I hate p#27

Idk how to link posts

Anyway I gtg


ahahaha now comes my evil plan where i explain my reasoning for voting and it IS because you didn’t like p#27 so first off that post was pretty clearly (at least to me) a joke & apparently you make reads on joke posts while i don’t so I might not get itTM but I thought it was at least fine

The wolfread comes largely from how I didn’t particularly like the difference in treatment between me & gori, felt like you knew you couldn’t push gori but didn’t think too hard about my post beyond an instinctual reaction that you could push me on.

(would be lying if i didn’t mention that your continued push on it looks beter than the initial “hm” but i’m still wary + it’s early game)

boring opening & also where did you go

“So this is the next test they 'll make us fight for survival?”

Got to add some lore for the start of the day.

But ne ways hey there Im at school so dont expect me for a bit. But have a great day at they very least and just know Im not evil im just dry.

Where did I go? What do you mean?

I’d expect you to make posts that advance the game instead of not doing that, & thus from my point of view it looks like you “disappeared”, either just leaving the thread or being frozen or in wolfchat

Oh I just waited until the game began. Is it customary to usually talk before hand?

I didn’t have anything to say :sweat_smile:

sorry i meant specifically in the timeframe after you made your first post

rover soumds uninformed


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gori and cait probs not w/w for extensive sillyish interactiosn sod

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