Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 4 (8/15)


Wow that’s all

oh i vaguely remember playing with you

Ah you’re sheepbutbad

I vaguely remember playing with you too


wow this is a pretty suspicious gori post idk make sure to keep an eye on them & re-eval in LYLO don’t want them to be in towncore anytime soon

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uh huh sure ok my radiant towniness shines through this huge lie of a post


nuh uh

yuh huh

im going to go do stuff i expect to see at least two outted wolves by the time i get back

VOTE: Caitlin


VOTE: soweli

I see a good opportunity to vote you back esp. since I hate p#27

Idk how to link posts

Anyway I gtg


ahahaha now comes my evil plan where i explain my reasoning for voting and it IS because you didn’t like p#27 so first off that post was pretty clearly (at least to me) a joke & apparently you make reads on joke posts while i don’t so I might not get itTM but I thought it was at least fine

The wolfread comes largely from how I didn’t particularly like the difference in treatment between me & gori, felt like you knew you couldn’t push gori but didn’t think too hard about my post beyond an instinctual reaction that you could push me on.

(would be lying if i didn’t mention that your continued push on it looks beter than the initial “hm” but i’m still wary + it’s early game)

boring opening & also where did you go