Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

Jump the gun is a funny saying how do you jump a gun to begin with

Edit: i used my brain and realized it probably means a false start like in racing omg i feel so smart

nobody respects stream of conciousness anymore

also would prefer if people clarified their reasoning so I don’t have to guess and/or preemptively defend every aspect of my post

also uh
who besides gori

mrgh where is everyone;

do i have to respond to rover

I think it’s wrong to assume you can’t solve things early on in games

I mean you should, interacting with peeps is parta da game after all.


You can certainly. But most players don;t know the tech or patterns for that, and it’s not foolproof even if they do.

I mean for one I’m surprised by the progression but also I just don’t think they’re that different (but also it makes sense that you’d see them as different).

Most obviously they both fall under RVS but also they both are blatant lies the poster doesn’t believe, & the distinction between an identity claim & a read aren’t that different.

I’m also uhh… concerned by the reading of the initial case as “two people joking with each other” because the interaction was (roughly)

gori: i’m wolf
caitlin: [I don’t remember what she said here]
gori: why didn’t you respond to me saying i’m wolf :(
caitlin: it was a towny wolfclaim

not to mention i cannot stress this enough p#27 was a joke I do not think gori is suspicious or whatever he said that throwing shade is the proper reaction and thus I obliged in an exaggarated manner.

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My snap reads are


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Your post I mentioned felt reaching, if this was at all directed at me.

oh i erased that from my memory

I really didn’t like the argument & generally feel like i’m being too mean :/

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Yer gud.

(assuming this is about when i called your opener wolfy)

seemed overly self-concious, i’m not putting too much stock into it tho.

Caitlin Gori interaction for the first few posts is literally just banter yall what even.

No I thought your post was referring to my response of “says the person who made post X”

it’s kinda sus for Caitlin no cap

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Don’t tell her i said that

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